Tuesday, October 5, 2021

call me Otis

 Boy, I sure had my ups and downs Monday

    Sleep-wise, I was great Friday and Saturday.  I went to bed Sunday at 9:30 because I was tired.

    I slept until 11.  A.M.  Almost noon.

    Holy crap!  Monday night I could not sleep hardly at all, so I guess it will all even out.

    After finally getting up and dressed Monday, we spent the afternoon going through her cave.  Over here a cave is a basement area where stuff, usually wine, is stored.  We sorted through several boxes and bags, finding things that brought back fond memories.

    Like the 20 pound transformers she ordered when leaving the states in 20012.  They did not come before she left, so Jackie and I schlep them over in suitcases.

    Julia used them to convert American appliances to European currents, allowing her to bring her tv, stereo,  radio....except the first time she plugged them in there was a puff of smoke, flash of light and all the lights went out in her apartment.

    It would have been cheaper and easier to buy a tv and stereo here, which she did after the near disaster. That left the transformers to be stored.  Now they are going away.  She will advertise them on Facebook here, but most likely they will go to the recycling center.

    I have mentioned this before.  Each town has a "dump" where you can take recyclable materials.  Usually there is a building you can put stuff in for other people to use.  For example:  Have vases you don't want, put them in "the shed" and someone may see them and take them for their use.  To me it makes a lot of sense.

    There are old radios, tvs, books, lamps, dishes....all free for the taking.  Granted, the radios may not work, but if you can repair that kind of item then you have something to fix and sell.

    Now we have piles of shoes, clothes, electronics, furniture...all headed at some point to the place they call a decheterie, which I know is not spelled right.

    Of course, that meant going cup and down the stairs.  A lot.  These old bones are a bit creaky today.

    The plan for today, which is Tuesday, is for a bike ride along the lake from Vevey to Chillon.  But, it is wet, cold, and looks like it will rain any second.

    Of course, part of my plan was a coffee at Starbucks and a trip through Manor for some shopping, but I am rethinking the whole day.  

    A nap also sounds pretty good.

Peace and Love

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