Tuesday, October 12, 2021

the end is near

 This is a time I always get a little ....weird

    I hate leaving Julia, but at the same time, she will be home in 2 months.  So, while I am sad to leave her, I know it is only for a couple of months.

    It's not so much getting on the airplane, I have some little white pills that help me cope with the flight.

    It's more about not knowing if I am ever coming this way again.

    Sure, people have invited me back to stay at their places, but who knows what life will be like in a year?  Will they still be here?  Will I be able to go?

    I will miss the people I have triended over here.  And I will miss the mountains and the lake.  It is a great view to walk up to every morning.

    So.....pardon my ramblings.

We cleaned out a couple of cupboards today, I finished up cleaning the yard items, we went to the decheterie, bought some wine, and Kevn and Cristina came over, bearing gifts.

    Now I have to go start packing.....never an easy task for me because I tend to be highly disorganized.

    I will pack tonight, repack tomorrow night, and still be packing on my way to the airport Thursday.

Peace and Love

And pictures

Starlings in flight

Watched these land at Interlaken

This is where they launch....way up high

Lake Gruyere........where the cheese comes from. I think they take lake water and dry it, forming the cheese.  But I could be wrong.

These are the cows that give the best milk

This is the slickest way to cut paper!  We should have this in the US

Handsome Swiss tourist

Lakes at Interlaken

Parting gifts from Kevin and Cristina

Just a couple of Swiss folk

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