Sunday, October 10, 2021

and now, something new

 I had dumplings tonight

    I know,  many of you have had dumplings.  But these were special.

    Julia's friend Yin made them from scratch, with help from Nam, another friend.

    We visited Yin and husband  Antoine and two delightful children Zoe and Adam and had a bunch of dumplings.

    These were pork dumplings.  She made the dough, mixed the meat with a variety of spices, and Yin and Nam rolled them, stuffed them and then they were boiled.  They actually get boiled twice....after the water boils the first time, more water is added and the dumplings are ready when the water boils again.

    It was delicious.

    Of course, we had wine also.   And dessert.  And I semi successfully used chopsticks.

    This was on top of afternoon tea with Elizabeth, so I am pretty stuffed, much like the dumplings.

    In the past week I have dined with people from Sweden, Germany, England, Iran, Turkey, Australia,  Spain, and France,  It is like a little United Nations, except we all get along.

    So much for today, which was dreary and a coolish mid 50s temperature wise.  No rain, but it was cloudy most of the day,

    Road trip tomorrow, so it better be nice.

Peace and Love

Stuffing the dumpling

Rolling the dough

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