Thursday, October 7, 2021

the little tramp

 We went to a museum today

    Charlie Chaplin lived in the area from 1952 until he died in 1977.  His home is now a museum, and I have wanted to go ever since it opened a few years ago.

    Chaplin had made some enemies in the United States.  Politicians accused him of being a Communist and the FBI had him under surveillance because of his political beliefs.  As he was preparing to return to the US in 1952, he was told he would not be granted entry into the country.  So he moved to Switzerland, settling in a little village area above Vevey.

    Almost every display has a video of one of his works playing.  Watching them now, I realize how great he was.  He did falls, leaps, jumps, and all kinds of physical comedy with the. greatest of ease.

    Some pictures from the day.....and an apple surprise!

    By the way....had Chinese for lunch and it was very good......chicken in curry sauce with fried rice and chicken soup.  We joined two of Julia's friends for lunch, and it was a good time.

John....they are even promoting Frankenstein here!!

We met this fellow visitor, he looked familiar but I could not place him.

Good way to keep track of ideas

This guy was vandalizing a restroom wall...but I stopped him.  Told I'm he wasn't being very smart.

Charlie showing the proper way to enter a tub

Charlie and fourth wife Oona watching movies

Charlie loved a good circus act

Laurel and Hardy were here too

We looked inside a model of his studio

Charlie hiding under a table

Another studio view....Paulette Goddard is on the right.  I believe she was wife #3.

In the video, Charlie is hooked up to a machine that spins an ear of corn around, allowing him to eat the corn quickly.....but the machine goes berserk.  The woman on the phone is really a dummy.  Seriously.  She is not real.

When is an apple not an apple?

When it's orange.  Really....labled as an orange apple.  It was amazing!

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