Monday, October 11, 2021

Gettysburg II

 Sometimes I obsess on things

    Dishes have to go into the dishwasher a certain way.  Socks have to be folded.  Clothes get hung on hangers based on color of shirt and the hanger., much as possible.

    One year we went to Gettysburg and I took a pictures of every stinking cannon in the park.  At least it seemed that way.

    Well, today was like that.

    We went to Lauterbrunnan and saw 2 inside, one outside.  Trummelbach was the inside one.  

    There were three of us....Raheme, (and I know that is not spelled correctly), Julia and me.

    The weather was beautiful.  Cool, but sunny.  The ride was smooth, the scenery awesome, the Indian lunch (buttered chicken) very tasty, but we are both pretty tired.  And I am sure Raheme is tired because she did all the was great.

    So obsession.....2 waterfalls.  110 pictures.

    Actually, the inside the Tummelbach had 10 separate falls, so I guess the odds just shrunk.

Peace and Love

Outside the falls

Walk or ride...we rode up, walked down

Notice the walkway upper right

Even after  the elevator there were lots of stairs.  Lots

Avalanche fences on the mountain

The falls in of the most photographed spots in Swizterland

The elevator path

Buttered chicken with rice

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