Friday, October 29, 2021


 That's Pogo speak for swear words

    I am so pissed and irritated at myself, and it is only my fault.

    I had an eye doctor appointment in Sycamore today.  2:10.  I knew my eyes would be dilated, but it was an overcast day and dilated eyes should not have been an issue.

    I told Jackie I had to leave at about 1:10 because it was a 30 minute drive and I had to stop at one store before the appointment.

    I got Jackie settled.  I told her again, I am leaving at 1:10.  She would be alone for about 2 hours because we thought that would be ok.

    I had everything out I needed:  keys, phone, referral, medication list, sunglasses.

    As I picked it all up I made sure she was set for the next two hours.

    And to be sure, I checked the calendar.

    Yes, my appointment was 2:10.  Oct. 22.  Today is Oct. 29.

    I called.  Yes, my appointment was last Friday.  

    I have it on the calendar at 2:10 Oct. 22.

    How could I screw up like that?

    Jackie said it was strange they did not send me a reminder last week.

     I agreed.  Then I went back to my e-mail and discoverecd that not only had they sent a reminder, I preregistered for the appointment on Oct. 20!

    How in the hell that happens to me so many times is beyond me.  Written on the claendar, with an e mail reminder, and preregistration completed and I still screwed it up.

    On the bright side, Beth and Sheri came over tonight for pizza and great conversation.  It is always fun to be around them and chat, drink, and laugh like in normal times.

    Jackie and I also got our booster shots today.  The nice pharmacist was extra careful with her old man and I truly appreciate it.

    In the past week I have had a flu shot, two blood tests, and the booster.  I feel like a pin cushion.

Peace and Love

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