Sunday, October 24, 2021

rainy days and naked bus drivers

 I always think of Jack Douglass on rainy days

    In fairness, I might have spelled his last name wrong.  

    He was a comedy writer, working for Steve Allen, Jack Parr, Johnny Carson and others.  He was also a writer.

    When I was about 12 or 13 I read a couple of his books.  I think I saw him on the Carson show when he was a guest, but I am not sure.  Otherwise, I don't know how I would have known about him.

    Never Trust a Naked Bus Driver   and My Brother was an Only Child  were the two books of his I read.

    So why do I think of him on rainy days?

    He told a story about a boy growing up in the mountains of Appalachia.  I know I won't do it justice, but you will get the gist.

    The boy was terrified of thunder.  His mother said to him, "You inow, thunder is really just Rip Van Winkle abowlin in the hills."

    Whenever it stormed, she would tell him ol Rip was just bowlin in the hills.  This went on for years and helped the boy overcome his fears.

    One day his mother sent him down to the local store to get some supplies.

    When he was in the store, a storm blew in and the thunder was loud.

    "You know what that is young feller?" asked the old man running the store.

    "Yes, sir," the boy proudly ansered.  "That there is a Rip Van Winkle a bowlin in the hills."

    The old man looked at him and said, "No you damn fool.  That's thunder."

    No matter how many times I read those books, I always laughed.  Unfortunately, I have not read them for many years.

    I suppose Douglass and his wife Reiko are both dead by now.  And why I remember her name is beyond me.

    I do think he was an infuence on my life, as so many comics were in my younger years.

    And to this day, I never trust a naked bus driver.

Peace and Love

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