Wednesday, October 6, 2021

cheese peasy

 We went for raclette tonight

    Jackie and I have this often when Julia is home, but tonight I enjoyed it in Switzerland with Craig, Yvonne and their two delightful girls, Lily and Penny.

    Now, I have known Penny and Lily since they were born.    They probably don't know that, but Jackie and I have seen them as little babies and now they are grown, one a teen ager!  Hard to believe the time has gone by so quickly.  I have not seen them in 2 years because of Covid, and heavens knows when I will see them again.  So tonight was kind of special.

    The first part of the day was spent cleaning out cabinets and boxes.......we took 4 bags of clothes to a clothes recycling place and tomorrow we have about 6 bags of trash to take to the spot they call the decheterie, and I know that is not spelled correctly.

    It was a rainy day.  Off and on, precipitation would fall, then the sun would come out.  But it is a bit chilly tonight.

    One surprise was to see new snow on the mountains across the lake. Yesterday the tops were gray, today they are white.  

    Back to raclette.  The meal is a traditional Swiss dish....melted cheese over potatoes, cornishons,  onions, and whatever else you might think would work.  Craig had a plug in electric device that looked a little like a gullotine.  It evenly heat the cheese....and was pretty darn neat!

    I can't wait to have it again in January my house.  It is a good supper for conservation and wine.,

Peace and Love

And pictures.

Rain, rain, go away

See the snow?

Craftsman at work

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