Friday, October 8, 2021


 This was a long day today

    Julia cleaned out a cabinet or two while I took care of the yard stuff.

    I took down birdhouses, feeders, lights, stars, and a strange collection of yard decorations that are coming back to he US.

    To be certain there were no issues with them, I washed each item in warm sudsy water, then I placed them on a table to dry.  It took almost 3 hours to do all of them.

    Ever wash out a planter?  Kind of messy.

    Then we made a trip to take in recyclables.  Here is is strange part.  One place you can recycle only plastic bottles,  At another place you can recycle plastic  items that are not plastic bottles.  I don't get why all the plastic can't be recycled in one place

    We also took a couple of bags of paper, which seems to pile up.

    Really, we did a lot of work today.

    This afternoon we went to Epesses, a small village west of Corseaux.

    The funny thing about it is it is a village built alongside a lone lane road.  Traffic lights control who is going, but for sure it is only one lane.

    They have lots of vintners there and it is harvest season.  So among the cars were several tractors hauling grapes.  It was quite a neat little village.

    We sat and had a glass of wine.  Actually, I had two.  It was very good wine.  I b ought two bottles to bring home.  When I went fr a second glass, the young man behind the counter would not accept my money.  He said it was a gift from him to me.

    I don't know if it is because I tried to speak French or because I bought two bottles.  Either way, it was very nice.

     We met Stuart for supper and I had perch.  I love the perch!  During a discussion b between the owner, Stuart, and Julia, it was determined I maybe cooking my perch too long, which is why they are tough and chewy.  At the restaurant they use  butter and salt, that is it.  The perch are flaky and delicate and delicious.  The owner added if I wanted the recipe he would be glad to give it to me.....for a price.

    Lesson learned.  I will try his way when I get home.  Without a recipe

    And now, some photos from the day.

Peace and Love

View from the park

Cat lover in the house

Even the window grates were cats!

Each window had a different arrangement on this house

Thursday's sunset

view from the park


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