Saturday, October 23, 2021

sorry, officer

 Nothing ever goes  as planned

    Today, for example.  Get in the yard early, mow, finish weeding, clean the bird feeders......  the plan fell apart early.

    We didn't get up until almost 10.  Then Emily suggested we get our flu shots, and after we got done with our morning activities, it was about 11:30.

We went to get our flu shots.  I hate shots.  But Emily is very good at treating me like the baby I am.

    Then we met Renee in the store and talked to her for a while.

    Then we me Jennie and talked to her for a while.

    And we me Kimberly and talked to her for a while.

    We got in the car and Jackie mentioned I had not gone to get mums.  So I said, let's go to Hidden Timbers and get mums.  But first, we had to drop off the milk and frozen peas and carrots.  Since we were home, we might as well pick up Corki for a ride.

    Got the mums, got home, it was almost 2:30 and we hadn't had breakfast yet, so we had a quick lunch.

    At about 3 I was starting to change into my work in the yard pants when the doorbell rang.

    I went to the door and the cutest little girl was there selling Fannie Mae candy for a school fund raiser.  Well, I could not resist.  So I told her to wait at the door while I got a check.

    I go to get a check and I noticed my belt is undone.....because I was getting ready to change.

    And my zipper was wide open.  Wide.  Open.

    Luckily my pants were buttoned

    All I could imagine is this little girl telling her mother, "The nice man bought candy and exposed himself."

    Police would be called.  My reputation would be ruined.  I would face jail time.  An irate father, or mother, would beat the snot out of me.

    I zipped up, fastened my belt, and returned to the little girl with a check.  In hindsight, I should have bought several boxes.

    I mowed, weeded until 6:30 and counted my blessings that she did not notice my unkempt state of dress.  Corki may have actually saved me because the little girl was busy petting Corki and not looking at me.  I hope.

    Tomorrow I will finish weeding.

    Then, based on the weather forecast, I will begin building an ark.  

Peace and Love

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