Sunday, October 3, 2021

unsunny Sunday

 It was a cool, cloudy day today

    Kevin and Cristina came over for tea and cookies.  It was really great seeing them.  I think they were some of the first people I met over here.

    We had a nice, cool, afternoon on the balcony eating, drinking  tea, and talking.  I got to ride in Kevin's new car....a Tesla!

    It was really neat to be in a car that has no dashboard instruments and only a couple of levers.   All the information is displayed on a large screen, which was super easy to read.  It was quiet, smooth and had a surprisingly fast acceleration.

    He took me for a ride up into the mountains.  The roads are narrow and once we met oncoming traffic and had to back up to a turn around so they could pass.  The scenery was amazing.

    We were supposed to have storms last night, but nothing materialized.  The forecast calls for rain Monday and Tuesday, so we won't plan on doing anything outside those days.

    I sure am missing the hooded sweatshirt I forgot to may still be on the chair in our bedroom.  So far, it is the only article of clothing I am lacking but I expect by the end of this week I will be missing the forgotten hat also.

Peace and Love

They were as delicious as they look!

Way in the back is Lake Geneva, or Lac LeMan

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