Saturday, October 16, 2021

random thoughts

 I have several random, unrelated thoughts about Switzerland

    I had no idea the power of QR codes.  Now I do.  I have two!  One got me on the airplane to Switzerland, the other got me a seat in a restaurant.

    When we entered a restaurant, I had to show my code and a photo ID.  Then we were allowed to be seated.  No code?  No dine in, although you can sit outside to eat.  I even had to show my code at Starbucks in Vevey.

    Everybdy wears a mask on the bus, tram, train, plane and in stores.  No complaints, no arguments.  They just do.

    Julia pays 1.91  franc a liter for gas.  There are 4.4 liters to a gallon.  So, she is paying 8.40 franc a gallon.  That works out to a little over $9 a gallon.

    Graffiti seems to be everywhere in the cities.

    Julia has to buy garbage bags from the government.  These are "official" bags and the trucks will not pick up garbage unless it is in the official bag.  If someone does dump trash in an unofficial bag, authories may go thru the bag in an effort to find out who dumped it and levy a fine.

    Why?  They want people to recycle.  If you recycle, you have less garbage, and use less bags. 

    Switzerland residents seem very happy and content.

    The Swiss monetary system has too many coins.

    Switzerland has to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  Lots of beauty in a space one fourth the size of Illinois.

    Too many people ride electric scooters.

    Speed cameras are everywhere.  

    When you move from one area to another, you have to get a letter saying you have paid all your bills and fees  at the previous address.

    Renters have to hire professional cleaners to clean the apartment when they move.

    When you register with the government, you declare your religion.  The goverment then gives a portion of your tax money to the religion you designated.  People still give money to the church, but hey don't have to because their tax money is already supporting the church.  You can  also declare no religion, but no one seemed to be able to tell me if that meant you paid less taxes.

  I will miss going there.  It has been our vacation spot for almost 20 years.  

Peace and Love

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