Monday, September 13, 2021

double damn

 The day was going right on schedule

    Following a night that sleep was elusive, to say the least, I took an hour nap on the porch at noon.  That really helped.

    After lunch I went out to sand the railings on the porch.  Al, the paint guy, told me to power wash, then sand, prime, then paint.  The sanding is to rough up the surface so the primer adheres better.

    I figured 90 minutes should be plenty of time, so I started at about 3.  By 5 I was half done, but done for the day.  I will need to finish Wednesday.

    Since I was covered in dust, I showered.  I was covered in dust because the dust catcher on my palm sander broke several years ago.  When I sand, I try to sand with the dust catching end away from me, but that was not possible today.  I also put on a mask.  Next time I will look for my goggles.  Can't be too careful.

    I made a passable supper, with every thing being done at the same time.  

    Then it all fell apart.

    I needed to do a load of delicates after the dishes.  

    I always buy multiple standard household items.  We have lots of toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, cleanser, window cleaner, and all that other stuff.  I always have an extra one or two so when I run out, I can grab its replacement.

    I went to do the dishes and ..... no dish washing liquid. 

    Normally I would just leave it until morning, but we are leaving early for a doctor appointment in the city.

    So I set off for Walmart.  I figured I should fill the car tonight, saving us a few minutes tomorrow.

    I am driving down the road and the dashboard has lights all over the place!  Turns out my tire pressure is low and I should not drive more than 60 mph.  

    So I went to Casey's for air.  Why?  They don't charge for air.  Everyone else does.  I hate to spend a couple of dollars when it is free.  But I don't get gas at Casey's.  Go figure.

    My 30 minute errand turned into a little over an hour excursion.  When I got home after 8 I STILL had dishes to do and a load of delicates to wash and dry.

    But all is well now.  I bought 2 dish washing liquids, got air in the tires, gas in the car, dishes done, laundry in the washer.......and I am tired.  Hopefully sleep will overtake me tonight.

Peace and Love


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