Tuesday, September 14, 2021

on the road again

 We ttok a drive into the burbs today

    I was not nervous....despite the 8,799 expressway shootings in the Chicago area.  And that was this week!

    Our trip was to Rolling Meadows and a visit with the Botox Queen.

    She is actually a neurologist who specializes in botox injections in MS patients.   The botox reduces the spasticity of limbs.  Jackie had her first shot 6 weeks ago and this was a check in to see what results have been noticed.  Based on this visit, the next shots, in 6 weeks, will be stronger.  Hopefully the shots will give Jackie some flexibility in her legs and allow her to stand.  Hopefully.

    After lunch with sister Judy, a visit to a Starbucks, and a drive through Elburn Station, we got home without any major problems.  

    If you have never heard of Elburn Station, let me explain.  When I go to the ball game, or into the city, I park at Elburn and catch the train.  When Dan and I first started going to the games on a regular basis, there was nothing but corn in the fields south of the station.

    Now there are homes.  Lots of homes.  Pricey homes.  Homes with virtually no yards and homes with adequate yards.  The prices start in the mid $300,000 range.  There are probably 20 homes under construction and a couple of hundred occupied.  It was like somebody planted home seeds and they sprouted.

    We could probably fit 5 houses on our lot.  

    I do have one sad event.

    I have made my last mojito with white rum.   Emily and John bought the Pillar rum for me when they went to Key West last year.  (Pillar was the name of Hemingway's boat.)  I have a bottle of Pillar dark, and I imagine it tastes pretty much the same, just has a different appearance in a glass.

    In case you think I drink to much, that is one bottle in about 16 months.  So don't worry about me overindulging.

    Stay safe.  

Peace and Love

Bottoms UP

Nightly visitor

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