Monday, September 20, 2021


 Some things in my life are finished

    Beans, for example.  I picked the last of the beans today and I am not sure they are good or not.  We had some for supper, but they were a little tough.  Maybe I did not cook them long enough, but they were chewy.  Question now is do we go ahead and feeeze them for winter eating?

    Cucumbers are done.  The vines have started shriviling up, so I picked the final cucumbers today and hope to make refrigerator pickles later this week.

    Porch railings are primed.  Now all I have to do is paint them, and hopefully I can get that done this Friday and Saturday.

    My hearing aids are back, with new rechargable batteries.  The office called today and I had the option of syncing them to the app myself of having them do it.  I opted for them, so I had to be there at 1:30.

    That put me off my schedule of getting to the painting by 1.  I finally started at 3:30 and finished about 5:30.  I am getting faster, or I didn't paint a section.  I hope it is the first.

    I cooked burgers on the grill, sipping on a mojito while the patties cooked.  It was a nice way to end the day.

    So....lots of endings.  

    And tomorrow, new beginnings, I am sure.

    Until then, live safely and happily.

Peace and Love

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