Wednesday, September 8, 2021

no!!!! not again!!!!!

 I see the forecast is for the 90s this weekend

    Not the 1990s, or the 1890s.....just the 90s.

    I am so tired of the heat  And the lack of rain.  I don't know wether to wear shorts, water the garden, put on a sweatshirt, or stay in bed.

    Come to think of it, the 1890s might be pretty neat.

    One of my favorite movies is Meet Me in St. Louis, set in 1904.  I love the houses, the horses, the way they lived in the movie.  Of course, I realize those were upper crust people and the majority of folks did not live like that.  And it is a movie.

    But it was a simpler time....riding with the ice man, Halloween bonfires, street cars, horse and buggies.  Yes, there were drawbacks, such as no air conditioning or refrigeration to speak of.   And no anti vaxers because vacines did not exist, which made things like small pox, measles and polio a major problem.

    But movie life is always so much better than real life.

    Anyway.....I was outside cooking burgers tonight and had to put on a sweatshirt!  I got a little chilly but it felt great.  

    On a side note, I already told Jackie I was going away next August for 3 nights.  I want to go up toward Lake Superior, get a cabin on the lake, and watch for meteors.  Who says I don't plan ahead.

    I got new paint today and painter friend Wendy is finishing the blue bedroom as we speak.  Or as I write.

    The nice people looked up my paint and yes, I did have Little Boy Blue, Marilyn's Little Blue Dress but the color we eventually painted the room was....light blue.

    Go figure.

Peace and Love

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