Thursday, September 23, 2021


 I am really bugged today

    Not irritated.  Bugged.

    As in those six legged creatures with 3 body parts that frequently have wings.  At least, I think 3 body parts.

    Look at this beauty.

    This is a spotted lanternfly.  It is very pretty.

    But it can destroy oak trees and other native trees in our forests and parks.  If you see one, kill it on sight and report it to a conservation agency in your area.

    This joins a long list of bugs that concern me.  Killer hornets.  Picnic bugs.  Asian beetles.  

    I can just imagine the other creatures that will appear.

Some of the ones I fear most:

    Wine drinking wasps.  I won't be able to sit outside and watch the sun set behind the trees because these 7 inch long wasps with straw like noses and needle sharp stingers will find my wine and take over.

    Shit eating flies.  Enough said.

    Cow flies.  Similar to horse flies, but cow flies are filled with flammable flatulance and can cause burns when swatted.

    Chocolate coated ants.  I won't know whether to step on them or scoop them up and eat them.  (I did eat chocolate covered ants.  Tasted like a Crunch bar.)

    Portland Cement roaches.  These creatures feed on concrete.  No building will be safe! The roaches consume an amazing amount of concrete and when they excrete it, it comes out in  a stream, which they use to spell out obscene messages.

    Invisible ash borers.  These will invade baseball bats.  It will cause the batter to constantly miss when swinging the bats.  Chicago Cubs players will be found to be using the bats in the 2022 season.

   That's what has been bugging me.

Peace and Love

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