Monday, September 6, 2021


 It has been over 2 months since I rode my bike

    I have a lot of excuses. 

        It was hot.

        It was humid.

        It was hot and humid.

        My calf and back hurt.

        I did not have time.

        I did not have the desire to.

    Some of those are valid excuses, but some are just laziness.

    I used to ride on Thursdays and Fridays when we had someone come in for Jackie.  But she stopped coming at the end of June.  I went riding that day and it was a mistake because it was hot and humid and I almost didn't get back home.  Since then I have not ridden at all.

    Until today. 

    It felt good, even such a short distance.  I ride around my neighborhood because then I am no farther than 6 minutes from the house.  If Jackie needs me, she can call and I will be there quickly.

    What did I do on Labor Day?

    We sliced Italian beans.  Then they got blanched, cooled,  and frozen.

    I watched my neighbor Eric knock down a yellow jacket nest on the side of my house.  He was brave enough to get up an a ladder and do that.  I was nervous the entire time.  

    If I had attempted that, I would have either fallen off the ladder, been stung, or both.  Probably both.

    A big thank you to Eric for taking care of that.

    Short bike ride.

    Read a book.

    Watched part of the Cubs seventh win in a row!!  7!!!

    Did dishes.  Twice.

    Took care of Jackie.

    Got surprised at how short the days were getting.

    Hope you day was a great one.

Peace and Love

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