Sunday, September 12, 2021

Hey, Siri......

 Sometimes I have conversations with Siri

    I'll ask it the temperature, feels like temperature, chances of rain and I get pretty straight answers.

    But sometimes I ask her things like, what is the meaning of life?  Or, where are my pants?  Am I the smartest person in the world? Can you call me handsome man?

    Sometimes it tells me that it does not have that information or understand the question.  Sometimes it tells me it is unable to answer that question.  Once in a while it will refer me to a website.

    Last week it tried to send a list something to my phone, but my phone was not turned on.

    If I ask why questions, it frequently says it is unable to answer that.

    I don't do it a lot, mainly when I am folding clothes and bored.  

    Now i wonder if other people ask Siri or Alexa strange questions.  So this is my challenge:  Ask your device a weird question and share your answers in the comment section.

    Hopefully we will ge some  answers that make us giggle.

Peace and Love

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