Friday, September 24, 2021


 This was actually a pretty good day

    The shoe is down in the two bedrooms, so all I need to do is get furniture moved back.  I don't have a problem except with the computer desk.  Son in law John has to do that because of all the hook ups and electronic do dads that have to be connected.

    Jackie and I went to DeKalb to get paint and meds for Corki.  And because she never gets to go anywhere, we took Corki.

    The primer I put on is a bit lighter than the trim.  I took a piece of trim with so Al the paint guru could match it.

    I told him the primer was not the right color and he looked at me and said, "Of course not.  It's a primer.  The only reason we tinted it close was because white is hard to cover."

    He mixed the top coat and it is the same color as the trim, so now all I have to do is paint.

    I thought I could get in some painting when I got home, but it started to rain.  Go figure, we have not had rain in ages but when I want to paint, it rains.  Luckily Sunday and Monday are supposed to be great days for painting.

    Hopefully it will not take me as long as the priming.  He also mentioned if I wait too long, I may need to reprime.  That is my incentive to get it done over the weekend/start.

    We went to Portillo's for lunch.  I swear, when they have an IPO I will buy stock.  They are always busy.

    Of course, Corki enjoyed a bit of hamburger.  (Yes, Emily, we gave her people food.)

    Then I stopped at Starbucks and Coiki got a Puppichino, or whatever it is called, and I got an iced latte.

    The only downer to the day was the Cubs.  I love the Cubs, but this is like watching the Titanic go down.  I keep hoping for a better end, but it doesn't happen.

    All in all, it was awindy but good day.  It is still raining, not heavy, but light and steady.  Too late for the lawns and gardens, but hopefully helpful to the trees before they shut down.

    Corkie has had so much human food, she is like a human now!

Peace and Love

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