Tuesday, September 28, 2021

odds and ends

 This was just a frustrating day

    But...it is almost over, so time to look forward to tomorrow.

    Frist, some odds and ends.

    Got a Covid test today.  I did not know that I needed a doctor's order.  The nice person at the center was checking her list and said I was not on it.  She told me what I could do, so I followed her advice.  Luckily, I was able to get the order and the test within 90 minutes or so.

    I learned how to access MyChart on my phone, found out from a nice rep what my user name was, changed my password and got into my account.  I thought I would be notified through that that I had a pending test, but after 90 minutes I heard nothing.  So I drove back to the center, same person was there, she checked and I was on the list.  Test done. 

    Called the bank to up my daily spending limit on the AT, card.

    Put some of the closet shelves back into the rooms, thought about moving stuff but decided to have some wine instead.

    Took Corki for  walk.

    Talked to friend Dan who called me to wish me a good trip.  He is having knee surgery tomorrow and I should have been calling him.  I just have too much on my mind these days.  Take care, my friend!  Heal quickly.

    Sent Julia my new letter from the hospital attesting to the fact I had the vax.  Hope that finally clears up  matters.

    I still have an online form to fill out prior to departing.  And I have to check in.  And pack.  And organize stuff for Jackie.

    My stomach is churning and I have itchy spots all over my body.  Hives?  Bugs?  Who knows.

    I just hope I am ready to leave.

Peace and Love

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