Sunday, September 5, 2021


 I get so confused this time of year

    Labor Day is considered the traditional end of summer.

    Sept. 1 is consideered by meterologists as the end of summer.

    Sept. 22 is the solstice, which marks the end of summer.

    See my confusion?  

    If someone asks me how my summer went, do I tell them A:  is is not over yet.B: It was pretty good until I found out summer may or may not have ended yet.

    Maybe I will just change the subject.

    Beans.  My beans are coming in.  I picked my Italian beans.....but now I wonder if they should be renamed to avoid offeding Italians.  They are not green beans, but maybe we could cal lthem nose beans.  On second thought, I picked my nose beans doesn't sound right.

    My green beans are actually producing beans.  I will pick some tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get enough to make it worth freezing them.

     What I can't understand is how tired I am lately.  I did two little jobs around the house and was just beat.  I got enough sleep.  Just am tired.

    Right now I am yawning like crazy and I need chocolate.  I don't have any.  Double damn.

    At least my headache is gone.  I have had that for a couple of days.  

    It just seems every day brings a new malady.

    Guess that's life.

Peace and Love

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