Saturday, September 11, 2021

deja vu

I think I did this once before 

    I bought an anchor for a dog chain, the kind that screws into the ground with a loop to attach a leash.

    It is for anchoring my windmill so it doesn't blow down in a wind.  Ironic, yes?

    I  bought my first stake a few weeks ago.    But now I can't find the screw in stake.  It is over 1 foot long, so it can't be easily lost.

    I lost it.

    I carrried the replacement into the house and put it on the kitchen counter.  When I went out to anchor it, I grabbed it and did not put it down.  I did not lose it, and hopefully the windmill will still be standing after the next strong wind.

    Tonight friend SK came over with pizza and we had a great evening talking about stuff, eating, drinking wine and laughing.  It was a fun, and much needed, night.

    That's a downer about MS.  Jackie's inability to walk impacts our ability to go out to eat.  We have to wonder if the place we are going to has a bathroom big enough for a wheelchair.  If we are going to someone's house, we have to be concerned about the number of steps.  

    MS complicates life in so many ways.

    That's why nights like this are so important and special in our lives.

    Maybe it is the company, but the pizza and wine were great!

Peace and Love

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