Saturday, September 25, 2021

good times

 Today was a pretty darn good day

    Granted, it was a pretty busy day, but it was a good one.

    Jackie and I went to Rockford to watch an Ultmate Frisbie tournament match.  Our niece's daughter was playing, and it was a good time for the Dickow family to gather.

    My brother Carl, sister in law Ruth, sister in law Joan, niece Cindy, her spouse Frank, and their kids Charlotte and Samantha and family dog Scout got together at the Sportscore.  Charlotte was playing for her team from  the U of I.  There were  a lot of teams!

    Charlotte's group was playing in its third match of the day and was 3-0 afterward.  We could only stay for one match, because sitting in a wheel chair is not comfortable after more than an hour or so.

    It was great to visit with all of them.  We all live within 2 hours of each other, but just don't get together as much as we should.  Days like this are especially great.

    When I got home I mowed most of the yard, but did not finish.  I have a little left to do tomorrow before I start painting the porch railings.

    We had Sheri and Beth over for dinner and cake because it is Sheri's birthday.  We had a great time and it was so nice to actually visit with people and just talk, like in normal times.

    Lots of laughs, some wine, great memories........all in all it was a great day for the old folks.

    You notice, I used great a lot in this!  That's because it was a pretty darn good day.

    Hope you have a great day in your future.

Peace and Love

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