Saturday, September 4, 2021

blue is blue, right?

 Sometimes I am slow at deciding stuff

    From time to time I am reminded of that.

    Recently I met someone that I had met before.  I guess I remet them.  Years ago I directed Sideways Stories from Wayside School.  It was 2010 or 11.  I tried to call everyone, and told one of the adults they would know by a certain date.  That date came and passed.  

    I did call 2 weeks after, which the person said was like "ripping a bandage off a still healing wound."

    The topic came up when they mentioned to my son in law that they still remember the incident and that they did not like the director.

    Imagine their surpirse when they found out I was the director!  We laughed about it now, but it drove home the fact I don't make decisions quickly.

    Three weeks ago, when all the furniture was out of the two extra bedrooms, we had the yellow  bedroom painted.  Yesterday I realized how terrible the walls were in the blue bedroom, so we called our friend and she will be out to paint that room too.  If I had decided when she was here the first time, both rooms would be already done.  But I did not make the decision.

    I went to get the paint today.  

    When I was a kid you had dark blue, blue, and pale blue.  

    Oh ,no, no, no!

    We originally had the room painted Little Boy Blue.  But is was too blue.  So we countered with Marilyn Monroe's Dress blue.

    Or as I call it, pale blue.

    All this means is the two bedrooms will have new floors and new paint jobs.  I will also work extra hard in keeping the den clean and organized.  We'll she how that plays out!

    Have a great Labor Day weekend.

Peace and Love

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