Friday, September 17, 2021

about time

Turns out, I am one popular guy 

    Several firms have job offers for me.  Most positions are right here in Rochelle, including the Amazon one that will pay something like $25 an hour.

    It seems I have missed two interview appointments with them though, so I am not sure they will still be interested.

    I have been getting at least 5 e mails a day offering me a job or announcing I have an interview.  Sometimes I really want to go on the interview just to get their response.

    And I have a new Facebook friend request.

    Inez sent me a friend request.  

    She is a very, and I mean very, pretty lady!

    She specializes in arranging meetings with prostitutes in my area.  Jackie said I can't be friends with her, but I don't know why.

    Speaking of kinky, saw a great show last night with Emily and John.

    I was not sure I was going to like it once it started, but when Lola entered with her Angels, the show just took off.

The Angels were all was not hard to forget they were all drag performers.  

    I sometimes focus on the background people.  One of the girls in the ensemble impressed me with her energy and spirit, she just seemed to glow.  But, because she was an ensemble member, I don't know her name because I can't recognize people. 

    In the lobby after the show, I was waiting for one of the main actors to finish with a photo  so I could tell him what a great job he did.  I waited, and waited, until Emily came up to me and said, "You know, that is not Lola......Lola is over there."

    If she had not said something I sure would have embarassed myself.  Again.

    One of the Angels in the cast had a rip in their fishnet stockings.  I noticed it when they came out the first time with black hair, then again with red hair, and then with blond......I was just surprised no one else noticed and nade a change.

    There was one scene in a bar and while two main characters were interacting in the center, I was watching the people at the bar and at the tables.  They looked like they were engaged in some good conversation....which created a great feel to the scene.

    The costuming was amazing.....but they are a professional theater, so that should be a given.

    I liked the show.  

Peace and Love

This was a stilletto crowd

How would I look in boots?

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