Friday, September 10, 2021

highs and lots of lows

Sometimes life is so sosooooo soooooooooo frustrating 

    Today was one of those days.

    I planned to power wash the porch railings.  They are peeling in spots, so my directions were power wash, sand, prime, paint.

    I could not get the power washer to start.  It was getting power, but no water.  I realzed, after several minutes, that although the water at the house hydrant was on, I have a little valve at the end of the hose and I forgot to turn that to on.

    Once I did that, I was off and running.

    I started at about 11:30.  I figured an hour or so.  At 1:30 I stopped to make Jackie lunch and decided I would eat too.  At 3:30 I was done, mentally, physically and with the porch railing.  My back was killing me.

    I went to make some coffee and happily found a box of instant coffee from Switzerland that I really enjoy.  I thought I was out of that, so I was happily surprised.

    I took out my favorite cup for Swiss instant coffee and put it on the counter and then........

....the next thing I heard was a crash.  I debated gluing the hundreds of pieces together, but realized I did not have enough glue.

    After I picked up my power washing supplies, I went to anchor my windmill so it stops blowing over in strong winds.

    I bought the anchor two weeks ago.  It is the kind of think you screw into the ground to hook a dog chain to.   Son in law John suggested that, and it was a great idea.

    I had put the anchor on the golf cart in the garage.  Or was it the mower.  Or the yard cart.  On the table?  In the cabinet?  In the storage drawers?  Did it fall behind something?

    I spent about 30 minutes looking and getting completely frustrated at my continued inability to function on a high level.  To be honest, I was pretty depressed at another malfunction in my organizational ability.

    For supper I decided to have a mojito.  Being extra careful with my mojito glass, I put in the mint, but forgot to massage it; added ice, natural sugar, got out the lime juice and shook it up; got distracted; picked up the lime juice and shook it again, spraying lime juice all over the counter and  the floor because the lid was not on the bottle.  I added the lime juice, then realized I had already added it once.

    Then I put in the rum.  Got distracted.  Stirred the mix and sipped, but did not detect any rum because I put in half the suggested amount.  Plus there was a lot ot lime.  So I added the rest of the rum, and a tad more, and ate supper.

    It's a beautiful night out there.  Supper and the mojito hit the spot.

    Tomorrow I will buy another dog leash thingy and I will save the receipt because I know the other will show up.

    Just think.

    20 years ago tonight we went to bed an innocent nation, at relative peace with the rest of the world.  Within 24 hours our lives and nation would be changed forever.

    Never forget.

Peace and Love

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