Wednesday, September 15, 2021

fed up

 I am fed up with rules

    I am an angry American.

    Every time I turn around I run into a rule The Man has made that hinders my ability to be happy.

    I have to wear shirts and shoes into many stores,  Plus, I have to wear pants in public.  I want to be a naturalist, but The Man doesn't like the beauty of the human body.

    Stop signs.  Speed limits.  All set by The Man to hinder my individuality.

    I want to be like the freedom lover I almost ran into on IL 38 last week.  Yes, there was a double line indicating a no passing zone, but he was exercising his right as an American to ignore that line and come racing over the hill at some arbitrary speed, in my lane, just so he could pass some cars who were exerecising their right to drive safely and sanely.

    I saluted him for his freedom fighting efforts.

    And in a time of labor shortages, why can't businesses hire 8 and 9 year olds to do some of the jobs adults won't do?  Why?  Because The Man says little kids should be in school, not out earning a living and making their place in the world while exercising their freedom to earn money to help out their family.

    Every week I read about people being arrested for driving without a license.  How silly is that?  It's just another excuse for The Man to wring more money from us working stiffs.  All you should need to drive is a car, preferably one with brakes.  But if you want to drive without brakes you should be able to do that too.

    All laws restrict our freedoms.  Sure, they also protect the freedoms of 300 million other people, but hey, I am only concerned with my freedoms.

    I think I need another mojito with dark rum.  Then maybe I'll go for a drive through some yards because, well, just because.

Peace and Love

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