Saturday, September 18, 2021

best plans......

 I do actually plan

    When I wake up, I have an idea of what I am going to do, and when.  Yes, sometimes it involves napping, or having coffee, or reading.  But it is part of the plan.

    Today, for instance.

    Get up, shower, do 2 loads of laundry, have breakfast, go to the store, come home, have lunch and by 1 p.m. start putting primer on the porch railings.

    Paint for 4 hours then get cleaned up and have dinner with John, Emily and Camryn for Camryn's birthday.

    It was a plan.  A good one too.

    It all went well until the going to the store part.  I didn't get to go until.....1 or so.  Got home about 2, made lunch, finally went out at 3 to paint.

    But it took me 30 minutes to open paint, get ready, so it was 3:30 before I actually dipped ny brush in the paint.  (You know, say that a certain way and it almost sounds dirty.  Almost.  Or, maybe it is just me.)

    It takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to paint one section.  So, instead of getting 4 sections done today, I got 2.  I have 5 sections to go.  I have a feeling I will not be done this weekend, which puts my plan of having the railings done by Wednesday off a bit.

    As long as I get it done before I leave I will be happy.

    My second project is on hold. 

    I went to get the materials, but they were sold out.  So I can't do anything right now.

    I am not telling what the project is, only that I wanted it done before I left.

    I had a plan.  Really.

    Sometimes what we plan just does not work out.  For example, by now I was supposed to be a Supreme Court justice, having been appointed after serving 2 terms as president after a long career as a tv talk show host, and rooting for the Cubs as they made it 6 World Series titles in a row.

    Oh well.

Peace and Love

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