Sunday, September 19, 2021

hot hot hot

I spent a couple hours in the heat today 

    I painted two sections of porch railing.  It took me about 2 and a half hours.  It was hot, even in the shade with a breeze.

    I have three more sections to go and then I will be done.  Done, at least, for a couple of days.  Next I have to put the final coat on, which should take the same amount of time.

    I don't like painting.  Yet, I find it somewhat calming.  My attention wanders quite a bit, but I at least keep painting in the  same section of railing and not jumping to another section.

    I cooked salmon for supper.  I bought two kinds, farm raised and wild caught, to see if there is a difference.  Call me crazy, but it seems the wild caught is a little more moist than the farm raised.  The wild caught also seemed to have a bit more flavor.  But, I could be wrong.

    I sat outside and ate the fish and salad and had a couple of glasses of rosé to cap off the evening, which was much cooler at 7.

    Hopfeully tomorrow I can finish priming.  I should be able to start  before 3, which is when I started yesterday and today.  

    Truthfully, I was a bit bummed by the news that Gabby's body had probably been found.  I was hoping for a different outcome.  

Peace and Love

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