Monday, May 31, 2021

day....... oh be quiet.....450

I sometimes read Jackie's mind 

    I have a habit of becoming focused on little things in tv commercials.

    I know commercials are not movies, but they should be entertaining and informative.

    That's why I get bothered by some of them.

    There is one airing now where a family goes into the woods.  They lock their car and walk off.  But this model has sensors that detect inside movement when a car is locked.  As they walk away, the sensors go off and they return to see a raccoon or something in their car, eating snacks.

    Obviously this family is from the city because who else would park their car under trees in a forest and leave the sun roof open?  If not city people, they are idiots.

    Then there is the commercial where the girls are driving along and taking a selfie. Their ccar swerves into the next lane......luckily they have an anti swerve program and the car self corrects, avoiding disaster.

    What they should have shown are the mangled ruins of a car that does not have this feature and tell people who are too stupid to know that you should not be taking selfies and texting while driving.

    Any commercial with an emu in it causes me to retch.

    And the one without the emu with the guy selling wet teddy bears instead of hotdogs is geared to people with a limited exposure to the outside world.

    That's when I can read her mind.

    I worked out in the sun yesterday and put a spray sun block on my face.  It was left over from last year.  Does sun block go bad?  I put it on and my face began to burn like crazy.  Now it is all red and sore, like a sunburn.  And no, I did not immediately wash it off.  Talk about stupid people!

    It did not burn on my arms or hands, but my face is a little more sensitive.

    I guess I will have to break down and buy new stuff and toss the old......which is really hard for me to do.

    I hope you had a safe and healthy Memorial Day.

    Don't look now, but here comes June!

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 I planted some prairie plugs in my native garden today

    That is why Ineeded the bulb planter.

    Last year I had a little over 100 plants, this year I have less, although I honestly do not know how many I have.  

    Last year I had a diagram of where everything was going.  It took us (Sheri, Camryn and me) almost three hours to plant, mainly because it was hard to find the right plant to match the scheme.

    This year I said hell, it's all random in nature!  So I just dug holes and planted.  No scheme, no plan.  I did put two or three of the same together, to  bunch them, and I did put the taller ones in the back.

    Part of the problem I have is a big rock.  Or rather I don't have.  I am supposed to get a big rock for the garden plus some mulch.  I thought it would be here two weeks ago, but his latest estimate is later this week.  Once the big rock is dropped it can't be moved and any plants in it's way will be smooshed.  So I can't finish the planting until later.

    That's my day.

    I am adding some pictures of what the yard looks like....or parts of the yard anyway.

spiderwort is in bloom

See the smoke on the prairie smoke?

old nad new

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.   Have a happy Memorial Day.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 29, 2021

 Today was just another day

    I gave my table legs two coats of teak oil, now I just have to attach them and move the table and chairs to the patio.

    I also started sanding down the vertical herb garden we have, it was looking pretty tacky so I am trying to neaten that up a little.

    I did lose my car keys.  I know I put the Honda keys on the counter.  When I went to get them, they were gone.

    I used the key finder on my phone.  I thought I may have left them in the garage, because sometimes I remember things that did not happen.  Out in the garage the finder said there was a strong presence........   I didn't know if I was at a seance or looking for my key!.

    The app said to walk around, so I did.  It kept saying stronger, stronger.  Remember when we used to say, "You;re getting warmer," or "You're getting cooler" when people were looking for things?  Same concept.

    I went back in the house and could hear the keys beeping.

    I followed the beep, but could not find them!  It was weird!  Almost like the keys were invisible.

    Eventually I did track the sound to the face masks hanging up on the cabinet door knob.  The keys had become entabled in a face mask and were hanging on the door.  That's what I get for hanging up the face masks.

    I watched the Cubs until about the sixth inning.  I woke up in the bottom of the seventh.  Short naps are good naps.

    Emily brought us supper and so goes another exciting day.  Wonder what tomoorow will bring.

    Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 28, 2021


 Rain, rain, go away

    I turned the heat back on today.  It was in the low 60s in the house when we got up, just too cool for me.

    The wind has been terrible all day.  Rain, wind, so no bike riding.

    Instead, I spent the afternoon at the museum in town.  We are a little short staffed today, so I sat at a desk just to be the second person in the building.

    Years ago we had an elderly gent who volunteered every Saturday.  He would sit at "his" desk, read the paper, have a coffee and fall asleep.  Sometimes I would go in the museum and walk right past him witout waking him up.

    Well, I was almost that guy today!

    I was doing some stuff on the computer.  The director was working in her office.  My eyes got heavier and heavier.  It was so quiet, the rain was pelting on the windows. and I almost nodded off.

    But not quite.

    I did get a beverage at my favorite local coffee spot.  I go in about once a week and know all the females who work there.  But one young thing, who is the sweetest person, flummoxes me.  I always, repeat, always, call her Tabitha! That would be ok if it was her name, but it isn't!.  She always says "Hello, Terry" when I walk in, but I have a mental block about her real name. 

    Just before i go in I tell my self, "Her name is Betty (not her real name.  Why not confuse myself more, eh?)  Her name is Betty.  Her name is Betty."  I open the door, see her and say, "Hello, Tabitha."  Then she says, "I'm Betty."

    It just like the emovie Groundhog Day, just not as funny anymore.

    I guess the next step is writing it on my hand.

    Final  outdoor furnture note:  I have decided to do the table legs after all.  Tomorrow will be a good day to do that.  In the garage.  Warmly dressed.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Find something that makes you laugh.

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 A pretty crappy day, weather wise

    Could not ride, but I could shop!

    I ended up buying a tripod sprinkler for the garden.  Seems strange saying that on a day when it is raining, but eventually that will stop.

    Yesterday I was wearing shorts, today I have on a sweatshirt and long pants.  I did see some guys my age wearing sandles, t shirts and shorts and I wondered what was wrong with their body matabolism.

    I also stopped and bought a couple of cupcakes for Jackie and me.  After supper, I asked if I should make a dessert and then I went into the kitchen, banged around some pots, ran the mixer, and put the cupcake on a plate, apologizing for not having enought time to do a better one.

    I thought it was funny.  But it was really chocolate grenache.

    Our den  is an absolute disaster zone.  It looks like one of those houses where they find people who have been dead for several months.  Well, not that bad.  I am cleaning it out so we can have the floors done.

    I found a couple of things I thought were interesting and honestly, don't know what to do with them except toss them.

    If you are of a certain age, you will remember these.  We still have a picnic basket we "bought" with these when  we were first married.  I confess, a friend named David used to work at a gas station and gave us ample stamps whenever we gassed up when he was working. 

    This guy, Steam Train, was once elected King of the Hobos.  If I remember, the election was contested because too many people who were not hobos may have voted in the election, but nobody could find any proof.  His supporters stormed some box cars, trashed them, and said they were just tourists.  I find that a dubious claim.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay warm and dry.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

day.....late again......445

 I seem to be reverting to my old ways

    I like to do this earlier in the evening, but I have been falling behind.

    With doctor visits, lawn mowing, planting, weeding, and the outdoor furniture, I am falling behind in some things I normally do.

    Fer instance:  Al ost 11 and I am starting this.  Have not read the Tribune yet. 5 messages I need to send to people, hve not yet played solitaire.  

    On the other hand,  my newspaper column  is mostly done and pictures are ready to be mailed, I did get a 7 mile bike ride in today, and the dishes are done and the recycling is out.

    I found the bicyle flashing red light I have been looking for for a week.   Turns out, it was right where I put it, I just did not see it when I looked there.  On the desk.  In front of me. One week looking for it and looking at it.  Damn.

    I just hope the weather is not as bad as they predict.  I would like to ride the  next couple of days.....frees my mind and allows me to get some exercise.

    Speaking of which, took Corki for a walk today and noticed she goes a little slower than she used to.  Also has a bit of a limp.  We walked a while, she stopped, looked at me and turned around to go home.  I guess she is getting old, just like me.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. 

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

day....oh, my.....444

 We had a fun filled day today

    Jackie had a doctor's appointment in the suburbs, so we met up with sister Judy for a late lunch/early supper at one of our favorite fast food places.

    All was going well....... until we left.

    I have been having trouble getting Jackie back into the car for the past few weeks.

    Today was a disaster

    She missed the seat and was sitting on the floor of the car.  I tried to pick her legs up and push her, which only accomplished her being thrown back and hitting her head on the center console.

    We tried again, getting all the way up and attempting to sit, only to land on the floor again.

    This time I went around to the driver's side and got in.  I was going to pull her while Judy pushed.  As we were doing this I look down and see glops of mustard on her white shirt, and I begin to laugh uncontrollably, which ended up in everyone else laughing and Jackie on the floor of the car again.

    Judy suggested moving the seat up to give her a better target.  We stood her up, mvoed the seat  and on attempt 756  got her into the front seat.  I had thought about asking the young men walking through the parking lot for help, but we managed.

    We thanked Judy, parted ways, and I went to the Starbucks down the road.  Getting my kick for the day, we headed back to the tollway only to see the southbound lanes at a virtual standstill.

    So I said, let's go back roads.

    When we were first married, we always took back roads from DeKalb to Rolling Meadows.  But that was then, and now it's not the same.  

    Landmarks are gone, replaced by condos and office buildings.  One time we were driving home.... the kids were really young.  We always turned next to a drive-in theater and I always slowed to see what was on the screen that night. "Lust in the Dust" was playing and a woman was kneeling on the ground and a bunch of cowboys were showing her their, let's say six guns, and Julia pipes up, "What are they doing?"   We told her to close her eyes and not look.  From then on, I always slowed down pasing the drive-in while telling the kids not to look.

      It seemed forever before we worked our way down to 88, the tollway that would carry us swiftly home.

    Somewhere around Orchard Road I got a leg cramp.

    I pulled over right after that exit and got out of the car to stretch oyt the leg.  Cars and trucks were whizzing past at 900 miles an hour!  I kept a close watch on the road because I was afraid someone would be in the off ramp and keep going on the shoulder, ramming us into the next county.

    After my leg cramp eased, ( And yes, I wondered what people thought upon seeing the old man rubbing his groin area and goosestepping along the shoulder.) I got back in the car and waited for a break.  Then I hit the gas and got that German car up to 70 almost immediately.  My Honda would have taken a week.

    It took us less than 90 minutes to get to the doctors, and about 140 to get home. I would have been better off on the tollway because traffic would have eventually moved.

    It rained most of the way home, not a heavy rain, just a very light sprinkle.  So I got home, settled Jackie in front of the Cub game, and mowed.  I almost finished....but the sprinkles started here and I got cold, so I quite with a very small patch not done.

    So...that's how my day went.

    All in all, it was not bad.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 24, 2021


This has been a strange week 

    And it is only Monday!

    I sat down and made another two lists of things I need to do.  I know, this is a broken record!  I keep complaining about how much I have to do but I spend an abnormal amount of time playing solitaire, checking Facebook, reading the Trib, and napping.

    Today was a little different.  I did not nap, have not been on Facebook yet, have not read the Trib and have not played solitaire.

    And I barely acomplished anything.

    Go figure.

    Tomorrow Jackie has a doctor appointment in the suburbs, so that means I won't get  much done then either.  

    Meanwhile, I keep adding to my lists.  And even though I mowed Friday, the grass is really long again.  So I will try to mow when we get home tomorrow.

    Life is a circle.  Until it isn't.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 23, 2021

day.....sniff, sniff.....442

 I opened windows in the kitchen  nook today


    The lilac bush outside our window is absolutely amazing in the fragrance it is emitting.  I should go out and do some cuttings and bring that smell inside.

    We are in the air conditioning mode  now.  It is warm and humid.  I would open windows, but Jackie's allergies would make life unbearable for me.

    Wrapping up a late  night blog:

    Put a third coat of oil on my table.  It will go out to the patio this week.  Figured as long as I was doing the table again I might as well give the chairs a third coat.

    Watched the Cubs win a thriller in St. Louis, a 2-1 ten inning game with Javy Baez being the differince maker.

    Went to a visitation, a much to often occuring event in our later years.

    And I took a 2 hour nap!

    Still waiting for rain....hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Farmer Terry has the crops in for the growing season

    Well, hopefully.  The peas look terrible.  Today I planted bush beans, Italian beans, 2 tomato plants, 2 pepper plants, carrots and 1 hill of cucumbers.  I plan on planting a second hill of cucumbers in a couple of weeks, hopefully they won't all ripen at the same time.

    I also took compost out of my compost bin....a lot of compost.  I shovel it into a screen and then sift out the debris.  

    Needless to say, my back is a bit tender right now.  I took two ibuprofins, but that does not seem to help.

    I also moved the front porch furnture out to the porch.

    But the most time was spent on looking for my bulb planters.  I didn't find them, but ran across a hedge trimmer I have been missing for years and finally replaced, some window washing solvent, a fish trap, a very stylish one eyed copper frog, one very dead, very hard, very dried up toad.  But no bulb planters.

    I have finished my chairs and table but the table does not look right.  John and Emily were over tonight and I asked their opinion, which confirmed mine that it needs another coat of oil.  So tha is tomorrow's project.  I better check the legs to be sure they look good.

    As easy as that sounds, I had to go buy oil and another brush.

     I have a lot of planting to do, but I can't until my rock and mulch are delivered.  I thought it would all be here by now, but I guess I reckoned incorrectly.

      Emily and John brought a couple of dogs to visit.  Corki spent the entire time barking.  She also spent a lot of time sizing up one point Corki's eyes started at floor level and slowly went up until I thought she would fall over.  Quite a contrast between a Great Dane and Corki.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love

Friday, May 21, 2021

day......wet memories.....440

 I took another bike ride today

    There was a light rain this morning, but it had stopped by the time I started to ride.

    At one point along the bike path I stopped to smell the lilacs.  I love that smell....need to get a lilac scented candle.

    I pstopped off at  Cypress House at the 7 mile mark and had a refreshment.  I placed my helmet on the table outside. When I walked it, the light rain returned.  I got my drink, chatted a while, watched the rain come down harder, then went outside to sit under the roofline and have my drink.

    By the time I remembered my helmet, it was pretty wet, as were my gloves.

    I waited it out, finished my drink, got back on my bike and it started to rain a little harder.  My helmet was wet, my gloves were wet, my pants were getting wet......and I felt great!

    I was no longer riding around Rochelle....I was riding through the Netherlands with my friends Bob and Diane.  I could almost feel the breeze off the IJsselmeer as I rode.  Actually, there was a breeze, but no lake.  

    I rode three more miles then called it a day.  I was wet but it was a good feeling.  Maybe I need to ride in the rain more often!

    I do need some help.  I am not a tree person, except for oaks.  I passed two of these trees on Clifton Terrace in town.  Can someone tell me the names of the trees?  I would appreciate it.

    And I have a before and after chair picture....I know, another damn chair picture.  They are still in the garage.....almost hate to put them out in the rain!


What I started with....note the black.

Where I finished....

Name that tree!!!!!  Please!!

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 I had a nice bike ride today

    Sure, it was a bit windy, so I rode through town.  I like to look at the various houses and how they are maintained.  Today I saw houses cute as a naked baby on a bear skin rug and houses that needed some TLC.

    Then I went home and looked around our house.  Actually, I think it comes off pretty darn good.  Sure, I should have trimmed after I mowed, but the fact I mowed should not be glossed over.

    I bought some plants but they don't look too good.  I should have planted them last week, but I procrastinated.  My peas don't look good either.  (The plants, not the liquid elimination) I don't think we will be freezing many peas this year.  I covered them for the first frost, but not the second.  The ones that were up looked terrible, so I pulled them and replanted.  When I was a DelMonte pea picker, the crops seemed to be ready in early June and done by July 4.  I won't even have plants by early June.

    The den is no where near cleaned and June is approaching.  I really have to get my butt in gear and finish this weekend.

    Lots of projects.....some long, some short.  I just need to get to then.  Like Nike says.....Just do It!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Smell the lilacs.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

day...what the Edison?....438

 We had a very strange day today

    My brother and sister-in-law, along with my niece and her son, were coming down for lunch today.  John was coming over too, but Emily was working.

    Now, I tend to over buy.  There were 7 of us.  We thought sandwiches would be the best option.

    I went to the store and bought one pound of ham, one pound of turkey, one pound of salami, one half pound of roast beef and one pound of Swiss cheese.  We had two types of pasta salad, home made (Jackie read directions, I mixed) three bean salad, lettuce, tomato, and chips.

    Plus I bought cookies for dessert, took a box of Swiss chocolates out, and they were bringing apple doughnuts and a small apple-cherry pie.

    We had enough food.

    Around 10:30 the power went out.  It was still out at 11:30.  I called them and said no power means no water.  It was still out at 12:30 and we decided to put off lunch until tomorrow.  Somewhere around 12:40 the power went back on and I called and they left from Rockford.  On I-39.  Where they sat for 20 minutes just south of 72 because of the construction zone.

    They managed to turn around, get off at 72, and take backroads here.

  When everyone arrived we were all pretty hungry.

    It was a great visit  I have not seen our niece in a long time,  mainly because she lives in Ohio.  It's been about 6 months since I saw my brother because they spend winters in Florida.

    I forgot to put out the chocolates.  Now I will have to eat them because I froze them at Christmas and don't think you can freeze, thaw, freeze candy without ruining the flavor. 

    And I think I have to freeze some lunch meat because I don't believe we can eat that much before it goes bad.

    Even with 3 hours without power, which I used to clean out desk drawers, it was a pretty darn good day.

    Hope you had a good day!  Stay safe.  Stay happy.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 I did not triple check my pockets today

    Before I leave the house I check for car keys, phone, wallet.  I went to Walmart with my phone and car keys, but  no wallet.  Unlike Karl Malden, I left home without it.

    (To thhose of you under 50, you may not know who Karl Malden is.  I feel sorry for you.)

    I had two options:  borrow money from the pharmacist or take the 10 minute drive back home and then go back to the store.

    I opted to borrow from the pharmacist, who was pretty darn busy.  I hated to ask, but I did anyway.  Thanks Emily for the loan.  I will pay you back.

    I just read over this and discovered I missed the M on 6 of the words I typed!  Weird, like the key did not work.  Maybe I hit it to lightly or maybe I hit the space bar instead.

    Jackie hates it when I constantly rant about stupid commercials.  Case in point:  the family that goes on a camping trip but forgets the tent.  They realize where it is when they check their home security system and see the tent set up in the garage.

    I'm thinking, what kind of idiots are these people?  When they loaded the car, they must not have had to use the garage because they would have seen the tent.  That means they did not park the car in the garage either.  It bugs me.  I should just let it go.'s gone.

    Stay happy.  Stay healthy.  Fill in your own Ms.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 17, 2021


 I got a pedicure today

    I should say Jackie and I got pedicures today.

    My nails were a tad long....I had to wear size 16 shoes so my feet could fit in the shoe.

    When they took off my socks, I heard them put in a call for an extra dumpster.

    I did not realize that battery operated chainsaws could be used on toenails....but I heard them yell "timber" at least three times.

    I brought my size nine shoes with, and they fit much better on the way home.  I am not saying my big toenail resembeled a surfboard, but if we lived in California I know a nail technician who would have a free board.

    When we got home, I worked on the chairs.

    I did a little hand sanding of some stained spots, then brushed on the teak oil.

    Here is the result.

     I love the color of the oiled part.  That is why I spent so many hours cleaning and sanding the chairs and table.

    I plan to put a second oil coat  on tomorrow, then Wednesday hopefully put them out on the deck.  I did not do the legs of the table.....they looked pretty good, I just hope they actually are good.  I love good looking legs.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Trim your toenails regularly.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 16, 2021

day.... dog tired......435

I am one tired puppy tonight 

    I think I packed too many activities into daylight hours.

    Went to church, had a church board meeting, Skyped with Julia, Skyped with my nephew in Switzerland, mowed the yard, trimmed, lent SK some bricks, went for a walk with Corki, made supper, including a salad, burned the garlic toast, did the dishes, took out the recyling, finished sanding the chairs and now I am relaxing with a large glass of wine.  Believe me, it is not large enough.

    It's funny, in a way.  Some days I don't get anything done, then others I stay busy all day.  I haven't even finished the Sunday Trib!

    But such is life.  I can do things, so I should not complain.

    I just need to spread it out more.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. 

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 15, 2021


 This was not a good day

    It was raining when I woke up at 7 this morning, so I figured we (actually, Linda) would not be setting up quite yet for the street fair in Creston.

    I went back to bed until 7:30.  Same thing.

    At some point I checked my phone (translated that means I found my phone) and learned the event had been cancelled.

    Instead of going back to bed, I did my Saturday morning chores; changing the bed linens and washing the old ones.  Then I got Jackie out of the shower and dressed and did a load of towels.

    Dishes were done, breakfast was done, we were all dressed and it was still drizzling.  That meant no sanding of the final chair, because I do it in the driveway with and electric sander and that just did not seem safe.

    It also meant no mowing, no planting the rest of the garden, no I took a nap.  I sat in my chair at about 11 and Jackie woke me about 1:15.  It had stopped raining, but it was wet and chilly, so I made lunches, did dishes, ran the dishwasher and settled in to watch a couple of tv shows and then the Cubs.

    I did make one mistake.  I was hungry for a burger.  For supper I went to a place that sells a variety of burgers.  I got the sourdough melt.  I have had it before and it has always caused me some gastric distress.  But....ever the optimist....I ordered it again and am now suffering some gastric distress.

    As my former PT said, "You are an adult, make adult decisions."    I have decided no more sourdough melts.  Better late then never.

    Stay healthy.  stay safe.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 14, 2021

 Today was a pleasant day in Rochelle

    The tempertures were nice, almost no wind, plenty of sun.  I took a ride through town on my trusty bike and stopped at Cypress House for a cool refreshment.  Spent some time with friend Amy, who was having lunch outside.

    While riding I ran into a former student who now lives in Hawaii.  She was home visiting and helping her mom and we spent a few minutes catching up, maintaining a safe distance all the while.  We even gave each other virtual hugs.

    My pea crop has taken a beating.  I don't know if it was the frost or the rain, but I replanted the peas today.  I hope they mature before it gets too hot.  I don't understand how peas and corn survive when it frosts, but the corn plants look pretty good.

    I stopped by a farm field and picked up some rocks for my gardens.  I may need a couple more, but I better get them before the crops get too big and I can't see the ground.

    I also took items  for the market in Creston tomorrow.  Friend Linda and I are having a booth and hopefully we can sell some of our stuff.  I took over about 30 items, and am hoping I don't bring 35 back.

    As you can see, it was a pretty hum drum day.  I am not complaining at all about that.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 I love days like this

    I had a 6 month exam with my urologist about my prostate cancer incident.  It was almost 6 months ago to the day that I underwent robotic surgery to remove the prostate.

    I had a PSA test to check, and I have a rating of 0.  That is very good.  Sharing TMI here, but the pipes are controlled and I am almost normal, what ever that is in my mind.

    He said something very nice to me.  He said I am doing great for a man of my age!  Usually it takes almost a year to reach the state I am in, so I am quite happy.

    I do have a check up in six months.....almost on the anniversary of my operation.

    To celebrate, as if I need a reason, I stopped at Starbucks and ordered an iced coffee.  As I am standing there a voice rings out, "Is that Terry Dickow?"  I turned around and saw a man and woman, but I did not immediately recognize them.  She looked familiar, but I could not place her.  I asked who she was and she told me, but I must not have understood because I said, "Whose mother?"  She told me again and lowered her mask and then I recognized her.

    We all sat outside and talked for almost an hour.  It was like a normal day!

    I know Dolly and John don't read this blog, not sure if their daughter does either, but I had a really nice time.

    I even packed up two boxes from the den today.  

    I also made a list of things I need to do.  It's a long list.  I am slowly chipping away at it.

    For some reason I have been listening to the Margaritaville channel on Sirius instead of the Beatles.  I do miss our Buffet concerts.....and our get togethers.  Hopefully this year we can do both.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


How many times......... 

    That's what I ask every time I leave the house only to return.

    Today I was running late for a meeting. (To those who know me, that is certainly no surprise.)   I was about 5 minutes behind when I needed to be.

    Got in the car, pulled  out of the driveway and realized I did not have a mask.

    Backed up the driveway, ran in grabbed a mask.  I was now about 8 minutes behind.

    Road work on Flagg Road....but I went at the right time.  No delay!

    Drove 2 miles down the road and realized I did not have my phone.  If Jackie needed help, she could not get me.  Turned around and headed back.  Got caught by construction.  Finally got home.  Now I was 15 minutes behind.

    Got back into the car with my phone,  my mask, my patience frayed, and got caught in construction again.  

    I reached my meeting 25 minutes late.  The bad part was I had to leave early!

    I managed to be there 40 minutes.  I apologized for being late.  I apologized for leaving early. 

    I would have almost been on time if I was not so damn forgetful!  Granted, it did not help to be behind someone pulling a trailer and doing 40 or getting caught by all 4 of the traffic lights on the route.  When I am not in a hurry they are always green.

    I did have a relaxing dinner with Emily and John and Jackie, plus a couple of glasses of vino, which has relaxed me further.

    Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment in DeKalb.  When I leave the house I will do a double check for keys, mask, phone, wallet, Maybe that will help me not make two trips back to the house.

    It could be worse.  At least I remembered where I parked the car tonight.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 I started my 74th year of life today

    Sounds strange, 74.  It was actually my 73rd birthday, but a birthday marks the end of a year.  I am celebrating the beginning of the next.

    When Jackie and I first landed in Rochelle, I said we would only be here 5 years. She would be done with her degree, I would have had some experience in newspapers, and we would move on to a bigger community.

    That was 1970.

    Are there days I regret still being here?  Of course.  

    But I don't think I could have made the friends I have anyplace else on earth.

    There are people who have put up with my clowning, my goofiness, my forgetfulness, my thoughtlessness and have stayed my friends.  Good friends.  Friends I would not trade for all the fame or money in the world.  Well,  maybe for a lot of money...but that'a just hypothetical.

    Sometimes I am astounded at their friendship, and all  the time I am grateful.

    I look back at my life and realize how lucky I have been.  Two daughters and a wife who love me, despite my faults.  Friends from grade school days who still keep in contact and do things with me.  Friends from Rochelle, some of whom are like sisters or daughters or brothers.

    Yes, there are some who gave up on me.  And I wish they would give me a second chance, but that doesn't look possible.

    And there are others who have moved away but still keep in contact.

    I am thankful for each and every one of them.  And of you, people who read my nightly drivel.

    Every time I watch "It's a Wonderful Life," I cry when George opens his book and sees Clarence's message:  No man is a failure who has friends.

    I truly am a successful person.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 10, 2021 me lucky....429

 I found a rabbit's foot the other day

    More specifically, I found a rabbit's leg with the foot attached.  There was also what looked like a picked over bunny skeleton attached to the leg.

    This was way in the back of my yard, so I know Corki was not responsible.  Could have been the hawk that hangs around the yard, or a coyote, or a cat, or fox, or an eagle....several possibilities.

    So...I found this foot-leg combination and did now want to leave it laying in the yard.  I got a small plastic grocery bag and put it in that, tied it shut, (well, after poking the leg down a couple of times....rigor mortis seemed to be an issue) and put it in my trash.

    An hour later I went back into the garage and said to myself, "Holy Hell!! What is that smell?"  

    I got another garbage bag and double bagged it.  That seemed to help.  When Emily and John brought over the Mother's Day hanging flower baskets, we put those in the garage for fear of frost.  The smell of the flowers helped a lot.  John did say the garage had a funky smell.

    I am just glad the temperatures are not in the 90s......I don't think I could stand the smell.

    I guess I could have buried it in the yard, or even in the prairie garden.  I was afraid an animal might smell it and dig it up again.

    Maybe tomorrow I will have to set the garbage can outside, especially if the temps rise.

    Chair update!!

    I finished the fourth chair today, put all my stuff away, put the chair away and discovered I missed the back side of the chair I did yesterday!  By then my hands were sore, I was cold, stuff was away .... so I said screw it, I'll do it tomorrow.

    I swear, this is taking me forever.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 9, 2021

day....moms' day.....428

 In honor of Mothers' Day I did very little

    My hands were still sore from yesterday and it is too cold outside.  But tomorrow I will have to work on the damn chairs.

    We had a nice Skype visit with Julia in Switzerland.  It's always good to talk to her and be able to see her.

    Tonight Emily and John came over with some beautiful planters and delicious cheesecake.  It was great seeing them and catching up with their lives.

    Those two girls mean more to me than I can describe.

    As for me?  Well, we are having some work done in the house and I have to clean out some closets.  I have one done, and started on the hard one today.

    I spent three hours going through two shelves.  Most of the time was spent going through two little shoe box sized containers.  I hardly tossed anything out.  Pictures, memories....journals from my two Alaska trips.  All went back into the containers.

    I just get too emotional.  I found a Father's Day card from the girls they gave me in 1982.  Did I toss it?  Heck no.

    Maybe some day I will.....just not today.

    Hope you had a wonderful day.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Keep the memories.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 I worked my fingers off today

    Seriously.  I only have 8 left and am finding it extremely hard to type.

    I sanded two chairs and the table.....and my hand is sore.  Sore from holding the sander, sore from changing sandpaper, sore from drying out....just plain sore.

    I have a problem with garlic mustard in my yard.  It is a fast growing, fast spreading, stinky weed.  I have a lawn service, but they suggested I spot spray with weed killer.

    So I did.

    First thing I used to tell students is read the directions.

    Well, I didn't read them all.  The label said rain resistant in one hour.  I knew it was going to rain later in the day, so I figured I was safe.  After I was done, I read all the directions and it said not to apply when rain is expected within 24 hours.  So, that may be a wasted hour of my life.

    I woke Jackie up about 3 a.m. to tell her Sally was bringing the beer.  Twice.  She asked me what?  And I said again, Sally is bringing the beer.  Then I went back to sleep.

    And Sally did bring the beer.....she had a parade that featured seveeral bands, caged animals, floats and Sally herself at the end, magnificently dressed in a red flowing evening gown and holding a six pack of beer  She looked a lot like Suzanne Sugerbaker of Designing Women, which was on when I fell asleep, I think.

    Sometimes even I don't understand me.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 7, 2021!!....426

 I spent the afternoon wandering around

I will let the pictures do the talking tonight.

Stopped to visit the bison at Nachusa

Visited the statue known as Blackhawk

This is actually from last week when the wind was blowing and the air was filled with dust.....lost my grill cover for a few hours

This is in my back yard.....not sure if I should be concerned with Corki

Also in my back yard

This is my prairie plot

One of my favorite prairie plants....prairie smoke, or geum, I believe.  When the flowers are finished they turn silvery, giving the impression of smoke

Bloody nose...actually on our wooded lot near Oregon.  It is a trillium.

I believe this is Mayapple...also on the wooded Oregon lot.

That's all!
Stay safe.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 I told Jackie that I want to move

    I want to live in a town or place where I can order Domino's pizza and have it delivered by driverless car.

    I think that is soooooooo awesome!!!   The ad shows the strange looking little car pulling up and the customer  taking the pizza out of the storage compartment.

    We don't have a Domino's in town, so no driverless delivery.  

    Of course I could just drive to DeKalb and order a pizza and give an address  where it will be delivered  Maybe I could use the church address and just wait in the parking lot.  If I have to go through all that, I might as well just pick it up.

    We'll see.

    I learned today that I have a false memory.  

    I remember as a kid going to Brookfield Zoo and riding the little zoo train from one station to the next.  I loved riding that train.  Aunt Bea lived just a couple of blocks from the zoo and I remember going with her and my mom.  That train was great and it is stuck in my memory as a positive childhood experience.

    So today I get the zoo magazine.  This issue highlights events in the zoo's history.  In 1962 the miniature train was introduced.  It ran until 1967,

    In 1962 I was 14 years old.

    I don't imagine riding the train at 14 is the same as riding the train at age 5 or 6, but the memory I have is riding it when I was 5 or 6.

    As a sidenote, I always wanted to be rich enough to buy enough land to have a miniature railroad, like the ones in kiddy lands and amusement parks.  My train would go through woods, across rivers, through a tunnel....and I would spend hours just riding it.

    Maybe I was 14 when I rode it.  I guess that doesn't matter, because I have a great memory of something that may not have happened.  I'm ok with that.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


I had an unusual experience today 

    It was a great experience, in a way.  But it was unusual.

    I had to have a blood test.  I hate blood tests.  I hate getting stuck with a needle.  I know, I am not the only one, but that does not make it any better.

    My test was at the former DeKalb Clinic, which is now part of Northwestern Medicine.

    I went in, told the person taking the blood that I am a big baby.  I took off my glasses and prepared to worry.

    She said she could tell by my body language that I was a little up tight, and she kept talking to me about stuff I don't even remember.  Then she said, "Ok...hold this while I get a bandage."

    I asked he if she was done and she said yes!  I never felt the needle go into my arm!  It was truly amazing.

    She said next time I come to ask for her and she will draw again.  But I hope there is no next time.

    I did manage to ride around the block a 7 mile bike ride in and my legs are a bit sore right now.  Hopefully it will not rain tomorrow and I can get another ride under my wide belt.

    All in all it was a pretty good day for us.  Two medical appointments done, a little shopping, a bike ride. ...... not a bad day.  Plus I used a digital coupon at the grocery store!  I downloaded it to my phone and redeemed it! That was also a high point of the day.

    Come to think of it, that is pretty sad, isn't it?

    Oh well....

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 4, 2021, doctor.......423

 This must be appointment week

    Jackie had a doctor appointment today, has another tomorrow, a hair appointment Friday morning and I have a medical appointment tomorrow.

    There is hardly any time for a nap, although I did manage one at 11 a.m. today!  It felt good, but I felt guilty because I should have been working on cleaning out a closet.  I think that is why calendar makers invented tomorrow.

    It was quite the boring day.  

    I did buy  lettuce for a salad tonight, then forgot it in the car until about 8:30.  Then it was too late.

    I am making more than my average number of typos, which means it its time to trim my nails. 

    Tomorrow I have a blood test to double check my PSA level, which is 0 since the operation last November.  I believe the good doctor said this will be my last visit with him for at least a year.  I will be happy with that.

    So....stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 3, 2021


 Sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything

    Nada.  Zilch.  Sit in a chair and veg.  

    That's how I was today.

    I had to force myself to work in the yard and prepare the raised beds for planting.  but I had no desire to do anything.

    I have more days like that lately.  Then I get upset because I don't have the little things done that I need to have done.

    When I made supper tonight I realized I had not emptied the dishwasher, so I had dinner dishes stacked  in one place and I cleaned off the counter to put the clean dishes, then I loaded the dishwasher again.  Just like Groundhog Day.

    The meat I cooked splattered, so I ended up wiping up the floor when all the rest was done.

    I finished the bottle of wine I opened Saturday and now I am so thirsty I am drinking iced water.  

    No food is satisfying me, I keep grazing and nibbling.

    Maybe a good night's sleep will help.  Every night when I go to bed my feet itch!  I spray them, and rub lotions of different kinds, but they itch.  Last night I took an allergy pill and the itching stopped.  So, are itching feet the sign of some sort of allergy?  Did the pill help or was it coincidence?  Or am I just weird?  Maybe it's a little of both. 

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 2, 2021

day.....was it me?....421

I am sometimes a rotten person 

    We have a large common area behind our houses.  For the past three years, neighborhood kids have taken to riding their 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, and ATVs through the retention pond part of the common area.

    I admit, I hate when they do that.  It's noisy, raises dust,  and just irritates the hell out of me.

    I always say, "I hope they have an accidnet and break something."

    Well, I was out mowing tonight and some kids were running their ATV up and down the retenton bowl.  It was annoying.

    I was off my mower, and I saw a kid running like hell across the retention pond.  Then another kid.

    I figured good, they  ran out of gas or got a flat tire.

    A lady had just walked by my house and she turned onto Skare Road.  Suddenly she started running.  A car pulled over.  I figured something was up, so I went in to get my keys to drive over there.

    By the  time I got there, parents of the kids were there.  The ATV flipped, spilling kids out.  Two of the kids were bleeding, one from the head and the other from some place.  There were already 7 adults there, 911 was called, so there was nothing for me to do.

    So I stood in the middle of the road and sort of directed traffic....telling people to stop or go.  No big thing, but it really was the only thing I was capable of doing.

    The ambulance came and took the two boys to the hospital.

    Now I feel bad for thinking evil thoughts.  In all honesty, everyone is lucky no one was seriously injured, at least the boys did not look seriously hurt.

    Next time I will just wish for a mechanical breakdown.

    I finally finished washing the patio furniture.  Now I have to sand it and seal it.  I hope I do it right this time.

    I was sitting on one chair and bent over another chair in the driveway.  Suddenly a voice yelled out, "Hey!"  I looked up and there was a woman standing at the bottom of the driveway.  I said hello and she said something like, "Just checking."  

    She must have thought I was ill or injured.  I don't know who she was, but it was nice of her to check.

    Back to the boys...I don't know them or their families.  But maybe tomorrow I can find out where they live and just check in on them.

    I won't tell the parents I put a hex on them though.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Think good thoughts.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 1, 2021


 We actually went out today

    It was a fairly busy day.

    First, I dropped off 7 years of tax returns at the shred day our bank was holding.  I cleared out all returns up to 2014.....along with some other stuff that we did not want to put in the trash.

    Then we went to the museum for the annual opening of the fountain.  

    Over 100 years ago a woman named Laura Fessler bought an 800 pound cast iron drinking fountain for the city.  At one time it was in the center of downtown, then was moved to outside city hall, then it went in storage, and eventually it came to the museum.

    It's a strange deal.  There are water pipes that get turned off and he fountain winterized.  The pipes get turned on in the spring, someone goes down into a pit and turns a handle, someone goes into the museum basement and flips a crank and voila!  Water.

    But it is a special fountain.  Yes, it's age and history are interesting, but the design is also quite neat.  There is a bubbler for humans.  The fountain is designed to run constantly.  Water not drunk by humans drops into a large basin about hip high so horses could get a drink.  That unconsumed water drops down to two basins on the bottom for dogs, cats or even goats!  There is also a small spot for birds to quench their thirst.

    We do a fountain opening each year in early May, except for last year when it was not opened due to Covid.

    This year we had a nice crowd that included a horse, two goats, a dog and people.

    Of course there were refreshments, including carrots for the horse, puppy chow, bird seed brownies and muffins.

    It was nice to get out among other people.

    Then we went to DeKalb to pick up some stuff I was supposed to get Thursday.  At 1 a.m. today Jackie said to a Terry in the middle of a dead sleep, "You forgot to stop and pick up my package."

    Thus a drive to DeKalb.

    The only downer was the wind.  I could not go outside to finish cleaning the chairs because there was so much dust in the wind (not an intentional Kansas reference, but it works) and I don't think the chairs would have stayed in place. 

    So, that gets pushed to tomorrow, putting me two days behind.  And I did look for Wet it and Forget It, but our local hardware store only had concentrate.  It was a half gallon container and I would use one ounce to five ounces of water.  I  think I would have had enough for a lifetime, so I passed on the purchase.

Hope your day was pleasant. 

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Happy May Day!!

Peace and Love

Laura Fessler appeared to give us the history of the fountain.

Somebody has to get down into the pit.

You can lead a horse to water and make him drink!