Monday, September 21, 2020

day.....Mamas and Papas.....191

 I love listening to oldies on the radio

    One of my favorite groups were (or is it was?) the Mamas and Papas.  I loved Monday, Monday and California Dreaming.   To be honest, I had kind of a crush on Mama Cass.  I know!  

    Lead female singers always seemed to get my attention, no matter the shape or size.  Spanky McFarland of Spanky and our Gang.  Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.  Janis.  Cher.  At some point I had romantic fantasies about them all.

    The music still resonates with me.  I know a lot of the words to a lot of songs.  Some of the words are even correct.  It is not scuse me while I kiss  this guy, or plasticine porters with looking glass eyes.... but I swear that is how I remember hearing the lyrics.

    Someone posted a video of top selling artists from 1960 to now.  It was funny to see the Beatles still among the top selling artists in the early 90s, despite having broken up in 1969.  And Elvis was still a hot item, although he was either dead or living as a recluse in Michigan, depending on what newspaper you were reading.

    Recently Drake has been a top artist.  I would not know a Drake tune if he came to my house and sang it to me personally.  I have listened to some of the other top ones from redent years, Adele, Lady Gaga, Beyonce......but that is about my limit.

    You see, for me music died sometime in the 70s.  I think the BeeGees killed it for me.  Disco fever helped bury the music.  And rap?  I don't think that is my style or  fits my personality.  I do like Queen....and Pink Floyd.... and probably a few other 70s groups, but after that my playlist shrinks.

    Once upon a time I was helping with a high school production.  We were in the "green room" and one of the girls started singing Wild Thing.  I immediately joined in and even played air guitar.  I thought all was well until she said she was surprised I knew about Wild Thing and did I like Sam Kinison.

    I was lost.  My Wild Thing was by the Troggs in 66 or so.  Her Wild Thing was by Sam Kinison in the 80s or so. 

    Same song.

    Some words might have been the same.  

    Same tune. 

    Different generations.  

    At least we had one thing in common.

    Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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