Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 I am living Groundhog Day

    Get up, do chores, ride my bike, play on the computer.....

    Actually, I had a visitor today.  A health care practitioner came to do a review of my health for my insurance provider.  They try to do this yearly, despite the fact I go to the doctor every four months.

    We sat on the porch because it was also cleaning day.  We had a nice conversation over a half hour or so.   Then she said it was time for a cognitive test.

    She gave me three words to remember.   I repeated the words. Then she gave me a task to do....drawing a clock, including the numbers, and showing 2:30 as the time.  I joked that with digital clocks, a lot of people might not be able to do that.

    I did my drawing and gave it to her and she asked what the three words were.

    Very confidently I said, "Village, kitchen and ........" my mind went blank. She said that was ok, my drawing and the fact I remembered two of the words showed that my mind was intact.

    So, unlike a certain politician, I did not ace that part of the test.

    But I passed.

    After the visit I read for a while, then rode my bike, and made "Chef's Surprise" for supper.  

    I made spaghetti, heated some sauce, broiled some hot dogs, cut them up, put them in a casserole pan, covered it with mozzarella cheese and baked it until the cheese melted. 

    I thought it tasted pretty good....but I learned tonight, after 50 years of marriage, Jackie does not like hot dogs in her spaghetti. Since Sheldon liked it, I figured everyone did.

    But I was wrong.  C'est la vie!

    That's it for me.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

    And by the way, baby was the third word.  Yeah, now I remember.  Could have aced it!

Peace and Love

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