Tuesday, September 29, 2020

day....oh no!!....199

 I spoke too soon yesterday

    I found another box of my mother's pictures!

    Oh my gosh!!!

    There are about 20 framed photos and two more albums.....but these are different.

    I was browsing through one and in the middle of Christmas pictures were old black and whites of my mother as a child with two of her sisters.  Other pictures were my grand parents, paternal grandmother, my dad on horseback....all intermixed with color photos of family events.

    Then there is a third album of pictures from before she married my father!  These are all identified, but I don't know the people.  I don't want to sound Oedipal, but she was a pretty good looking lady back in the 30s!  I think I got some of those good looks!

    Thus the trip down memory lane continues.  But I think I will check with my brother and bring them to him for him to look at too before I do anything with them.

    Then I am starting on my pictures....and I have a lot of them.  I told Jackie we will have to be pretty selective in what we keep and what we toss.

    Pictures....a never ending project and topic, it seems.  Sorry about that.

    And Jackie pointed out to me something I completely missed....my nephews are about the same age as Julia.  In the photo yesterday, I speculated that may we were not in the picture because Julia was a newborn.... but the boys look about 5 or so.  There goes that theory.  Maybe we weren't invited.....

Peace and Love  

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