Saturday, September 5, 2020


 Today flew by!

    I spent a lot of time on my new obsession:  fox spotting.

    When I was eating lunch  on the patio today, two foxes were cavorting in the empty field next to our house.  Corki saw them and started barking, and they ran off  but they did not go too far.  I saw them in the culvert near the first house on the street.

    After that, it was sit on the patio and look for the foxes.  But I didn't see them again.

    I did manage to get up to a place and buy three plants for around the house...spaces that just need a little help because they are boring to the eye.

    Supper was brisket sandwiches by Hicks' barbecue...and they were outstanding, as always.

    I ate mine out on the patio, one eye on the food and the other on the field.  Nada.

    I did enjoy a nice, quiet moment until some yahoos on ATVs buzzed around in the green space before roaring north on Skare Road.

    I was a little mellow, mainly because of the mojito.  But it was so beautiful ... you can feel the fall creeping into our lives.

    I did not plant my new plants yet.  I am hoping the rains predicted for tomorrow will soften the earth up a little ... it is as hard as a rock.

    The advantage to having foxes around is the ground squirrel population should go down.  And this week, after 8 years here, I finally saw a rabbit in our back yard.  Maybe the foxes will hold down that population  as well.

    Life is a circle, isn't it?

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love and a peek at my garden

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