Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Fall arrived with a bang today

    I went from shorts and t-shirts to long jeans and a sweatshirt. Well, actually I have been wearing a sweatshirt a lot, but now I really need it.

    Jackie's boyfriend talked to us last night several times.  Heavy rain near Rochelle.  Lightning near Rochelle.  Rain near Rochelle.  Corki came up on the bed again, but did not stay long this time.

    I had several unrelated weird dreams, each one ending with a lightning bolt and a trip to the bathroom.  It was a long night.

    Jackie likes the fan on at night because she gets hot.  The fan bothers my face....I get congested from it blowing on my face.

    I tried making a tent over the upper part of my body, but that does not work.  The blanket keeps falling down.  I have a couple of clamps I thought of using, but I have not done that yet.

    Last night I took a small towel and placed it over my head.  That seemed to work, except for when I tossed and turned and the towel fell off.  

    My next attempt at a remedy will be to move to a different room for sleep, but if Jackie needs me in the middle of the night, I might not be able to hear her.

    Lightning, towel on my head, weird dreams, sore hip and arms, hot tea too close to bedtime...all combined to make for a lousy night of sleep.

    Hopefully the BF will be quiet tonight and weather will nto be an issue.  And the house is cool enough that maybe the fan won't be needed.

    So....a good night's sleep is possible at this point.  We shall see.

    Sleep tight...

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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