Friday, September 18, 2020


 Actually, every day for me is a Friday

    I am in my 12th year of retirement.  I ran into a former student today and she said I was her favorite teacher of all time.

    No matter how many times I hear that, it still makes me tear up a little.  

    Hedge apples.  

    I love hedge apples.  

    No, you can't eat them.  They have a tendency to rot and get real sticky.  But I love them.

    I would collect them in the fall and take some  into school, telling kids they were monkey brains.  They never believed me  Sometimes I would just lay a couple on the counter by the window and not say anything.  Eventually someone would get curious and we would talk about them.

    I have a spot to collect them, but I went there the other day and only found one.  I would like a few more.  So I went to another spot I knew they could be found, and there were none there.

    My undrestanding is years ago, before fencing, osage orange trees were planted close together to form a natural fence.  The wood is strong, and made for good fencing.  The osage orange is the tree that produces hedge apples.  As fencing and farms grew, the trees fell out of favor.  

    I did see a couple of farm fields with long rows of trees, and at least one field looked like it had hedge apples.  But I really don't want to climb over a barbed wire fence and walk through a farmer's field.

    Rumors are the apples keep mice and spiders out of the garage.  I have put them in the garage and still had mice and spiders, but maybe that was just me.  I also heard deer love them, but again, I have no evidence they do.

    I just like the look of them.  Plus, they are another sign that fall is here and after this summer, that is a welcome change.

    Funny thing...went to the store today with a list of stuff, including a pineapple and milk.  Came home without either.  They were on the list.

    Pineapple juice....has neither pine nor apple, so I'd say it's a fraud beverage all around......(name that play!)

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

The railroad park in town

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