Thursday, September 24, 2020


 I honestly feel like I am on vacation

Doctor's lifting for four days.  

    I went to pick up a couple of plates at supper and Emily yelled at me to put them down.  

    She is taking out my garbage, including he bag of dog poop that has been marinating in the garage for two weeks because I keep forgetting to put it in the trash.

    I am expected to do I am doing that.

    Today I took a blanket out to the front porch and sat in my chair at about 11.  I woke up a little after 2.  

    It seemed to be a nice day, but I was freezing!  I sat out there in my sweatshirt and shorts with a fleece blanket covering me.  At one point a bird actually landed on my leg!  I felt this plop and opened my eyes to see a sparrow staring at me.  I'm just happy it wasn't a turkey vulture thinking I was carrion.

    I also saw a humming bird in between bouts of sleep.  

    I only watched one half inning of the Cub game but I did go through a lot of pictures.

    Tonight I took part in a Zoom play reading, something I had never done before.  It was interesting, but I printed the script on paper and everyone else seemed to be reading it on the computer, which I am not sure I know how to do.

    Strangely, I am still cold and tired.  I think I will make a hot chocolate and head to bed.  Emily is here to get Jackie into bed because I can't do the lifting that is often needed.

    Thank you all for your concern.  I really do appreciate it.

Peace and Love

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