Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 I do know how to spell

    Yesterday I spelled mommas wrong...it should have been mamas.  I corrected it, but for some reason the post still had it wrong.  It was right on the blog page, but not on Facebook.

    Go figure.

    I tried to spell bestest on a FB post the other day.  It autocorrected to beset.  Then I retyped it.  It autocorrected to beast.  After the third try, which I think was bestial, I gave up.

    I know I can turn off auto correct on my phone....I just don't know how.  I have the same problem there.  My texts sometimes make no sense because a word was autocorrected and I did not notice.  I don't know if I can turn it off on FB.

    So....kind of feeling weird tonight.....calling it a night.

    Hope I can sleep.

Peace and Love

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