Friday, September 4, 2020

day.....stills ........174

I am still going through pictures 

    I am almost done with my mother's pictures, but it is not easy.  I look at them and so many memories come flooding back.  Then I can't decide what to do with the pictures.

    I will get through them this weekend.

    Aside from that, nothing really new.  Went for a bike ride in town, had coffee, finished my cucumber soup.......  I told Jackie if I wake up in the middle of the night with tremendous stomach issues, it could be the soup.  I made it several days ago and have no idea how long it will keep before it turns rancid and lethal.  

    We have a water softener.  For years I have gone to the store, bought salt, schlepped it home and down the stairs.  For years.

    Today I had it delivered.

    Yes, it cost more.  But I did not have to lift it into the car, out of the car, onto the cart and haul it down the stairs.

    But I am bothered by something.  The young man was very polite, had a mask, stacked the issue there  But do people tip them?  I mean, it is their job, right?  They are being paid to do that work.

    I felt guilty not tipping the if you have an opinion, please weigh in. 

    To be honest, I hate the whole concept of tipping.  Pay people a fair wage and we'll all be happier.

    Until on tipping appreciated.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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