Wednesday, September 30, 2020


I am not sure what to say 

This may be a brief post.  Not sure yet.

I had my follow up with the urologist regaerding my biopsy.

Of the 10 samples, 2 showed positive for cancer.

One of the two shows a more aggressive cancer than the other.

No sign it has spread.

You inow I am an emotional guy and I admit I have cried more than a few tears today.  I expect I will cry a few more tonight.

I am scheduling appointments with two specialists, one who is an oncology radiologist and another urologist who specializes in robotic prostate surgeries.  After I visit with them, I will review my options and make a decision.

I am scared.  I am apprehensive.  I am worried.  I don't like needles, surgeries, hospitals, pain.....

We will need to find someone to provide 24 hour in home care once the surgery is done, because I won't be able to lift or do anything for several weeks.  So someone will need to be here to help Jackie.

I have some friends I will be reaching out to in the next few days for advice and for their perspective.

The good news is it was caught early.  

So, that's it.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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