Saturday, September 19, 2020


 I mowed again today

I know, whoop di do.

I have lost track of mowing.  We had the drought, then a lot of rain, and I mowed, but I don't remember if I did it once or twice before today.

Why does it make a difference?

I filled the gas tank when I mowed after the rains.  2 gallons of gas.

I ran out in the middle of the yard today.

Now, if I mowed twice and then today, no sweat.  But if I only mowed once and then today, then my mower is getting crap for gas consumption.  Unlike one time last year when I ran with the choke open and did not even get in one mowing, I have been putting the choke down.  

I had a full day.  Did laundry, went to Headon's for their 50th anniversary party and talked with several people.  We all were wearing masks, except when I ate a bratwurst.  Dan and Linda....missed you by a couple of minutes....Lyle said you left right before I got there.  Did two loads of laundry, broke my string trimmer, mowed, did a quick weed of the prairie, enjoyed a cup of coffee on the deck and ate a Krumkake or two.  Ok, it's a pastry ..... like a crumb cake..... and was pretty good.

And for the second day in a row, no wine.  What is wrong with me?

Stay safe.  Wear a mask....I saw three large gatherings today and not a lot of masks at 2 of them.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

This is rattlesnake master.......

Black eyed Susans starting to fade.

Coneflowers are also starting to fade

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