Wednesday, September 9, 2020

day ....... more rain.......179

Ever sense a theme?

    When I write this blog, I often mention my trouble with sleep and my weird dreams.

    Not tonight.  I will not mention the aches and pains that kept me awake, or the voice announcing rain that woke me up after I eventually fell asleep.  I will not even mention my dreams.

    Although, it was pretty cool wearing a chicken outfit and dancing in front of 1.000 people who were attending the British comedian's traveling vaudeville show.  Why a chicken outfit?  Because I was picked as the funniest audience member!  That was after I used my vocal abilities to mimic castenets while  I had my face made up with black washable marker.  But you know what I wonder most about this dream?  Why I didn't do the chicken dance dressed as a chicken.  They played a polka.

    I made a quick survey of the garden....only a couple of tomatoes left and two or three cucumbers.  I guess the growing season is coming to an end.  Next week I will dig carrots, clean, cut, and freeze them.  I would love to do a crinkle cut, but have no idea how.

    How about some pictures?  

Top picture  and bottom one are a little different...I moved the coral bells and put in some onions.  Next year it will look much better
Maybe that is a little too much barbecue sauce on my fake chicken patty!

    Sometimes I buy wine because I like the bottles....if you like these bottles, let me know and you can have them.  I think each one would make a nice flower holder....and the one second from the left even has a glass stopper!

    That's all for me.
    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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