Sunday, September 6, 2020


 I have lost interest

    The Cubs.  The Bears.  Facebook.  Spider solitaire.  Bike riding.

    All just blah right now.

    Maybe I am just tired.  The storms came through at some early hour and really spooked Corki.  She was in her bed on the floor next to our bed.  But the lightning seemed to get to her.  She jumped up on the bed, snuggled next to Jackie's feet, then at some point moved up to snuggle between Jackie and me.  She never does that!

    She stayed for the rest of the night like that.  I got up at 8:30 and she was still between us.  Scared?  Cold?  Lonely?  Wish I could talk dog.

    So I am wearing a sweatshirt.  I sat outside for a while today with it on, then took it off then put it over me like a blanket.  I can't get warm until I get too warm.  No temp, just hitting that awkward season where I don't know what to wear.  I'm sure my neighbors saw me out in front with a sweatshirt on when it was 80 degrees and wondered why I was dressed like an Eskimo in Hawaii.  I don't know what that means.

    No foxes today.  I did have a great opportunity to plant my new plants, but no interest.

    John came over and brought two gigantic mums and some Kind bars.  Good timing, because I was down to my last bar and planned to go mum shopping later this week.  He also did some work on my porch railings because I need to paint them this fall.  Some of the paint has peeled and I want to power wash, sand if needed, prime and paint before it gets too cold.  

    We'll see how far I get.

    I also want to refinish my patio furniture before I put it away for the winter.  

    Again, we'll see how far I get.

    Guess I'll do something else now that will waste time and prevent me from going to bed.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love 

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