Monday, September 28, 2020


I said good bye to lots of family members today 

    I finished looking through ny mom's albums.  It was a trip down memory lane, to be sure.  To see all those aunts and uncles and cousins ..... a lot of  them gone now.... was a real treat.

    Yes, I saved a couple of pictures.  But the tub full of photo albums is now reduced to a handful of pictures plus one album with about 8 pictures in it.

    One picture I love is a Christmas gathering at my folks' house.  My Uncle Henry was a professional photographer, and I am pretty sure  he took this photo.

    But I am not in the picture.  Neither is Jackie.

    I can't believe I did not go to my parents house for a Christmas when so many of the family were there!  (I think my syntax is off on this.  was?  were?  Let me know.)

    There is no date on the photo.  Mom very seldom dated photos and never explained who the people were.  In fact, sometimes her albums had pictures from 1978 and 1990 on the same page.   I honestly don't know how she did that.

    Anyway, I suspect this is from 1970.  Julia would have been just a few weeks old and we may not have wanted to make the drive from DeKalb to Chicago.

    Or it could have been a year we spent the day with Jackie's parents.  Without a date, I'll never know.

    I do have one more album in the basement that my mother had.  I have no idea about this one.  These are pictures from the 1930s......Dewey Lake, my mom with my grandparents, the family dog....... fascinating pictures.  But I don't know what to do with them.  I really hate to throw them out because they are fascinating to look at.  I also have one from my father from then.....and it leaves me with a lot of questions!

    But that's another project for another day.

    I am beginning to like hot toddy time!  On my way to make one.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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