Friday, September 25, 2020


 I did some shopping today

    I can't tell you what I bought, but I will take pictures tomorrow and show you then.

    It was strictly a whim purchase.

    That should pique your interest a little.

    I did finish going through my mom's albums.  I pulled pictures I thought people might want, and then I put the albums in bags to put in the garbage.  Then I opened the bags and looked at the albums again.

    It's hard parting with them,  because I feel I am parting from my mother....again.

    I did keep some pictures of her..... by a Greyhound bus holding a suitcase,  in front of a giant pan for finding gold in Alaska, in front of a trolley in SanFrancisco, one with her boys.

    The pictures are a link to her.  and yes, it has been almost 20 years but it still seems like yesterday.

    Life goes on, doesn't it?

    Here's another new purchase goes with my native garden area.

    Stay tuned.

Peace and Love

    And som pictures from my native plot.

See the little hummingbird?  Ok, this is not from the plot.

More and more dead ones every day.

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