Sunday, May 31, 2020

day ....omg....75

I thought we were better than this

The looting has taken the focus off the protest.  They are not the same thing.
People protesting is a right.  You may not agree with their protest, but it is a right.
Looting is not a right.  Throwing crap at police is not a right.  Setting fires to buildings and cars is not a right.
How do we sort through this?  How do we resolve the racial divide, while that divide is made larger because of the rioting?  How do we ensure that all are citizens are safe and treated fairly?
How do we find out who is at fault?   Agitators?  Radicals?  People just pissed off at the system?  People who think it's a golden opportunity to steal?
There needs to be an investigation into the riots.  If there is a group responsible, they need to be identified and labeled as terrorists. 
There also needs to be a movement to prevent this from happening again.
It's not just police training and restraint, it's community development, job training, jobs, opportunities, schools, medical care, food.......a redevelopment of a segment of our society that in many cases has been left behind.
My heart hurts tonight....for the police, for the store owners, for the family of  George Floyd and for everyone affected by this rage.
I  thought we were better than this.
Peace and Love.  Love and Peace.  Soon.

Friday, May 29, 2020

day ..... (:.....73

Some days are just downers

     I can't think of anything funny today.
     The actions of one police officer has ripped apart major cities, bringing riots and protests.  Personally, I think the protests are justified.  I think all the officers should have been charged, not just the one.
     What confuses me is three police officers standing by while a man is pleading for his life.  I remember when the motto was "to serve and protect."  The three did neither.
     I hate to see the rioting.  It sends a message, yes, but there will be people who use it to justify their racial prejudices.
     As a nation we have struggled with racial prejudice ever since the first settlers landed here.  At what point in time  do we treat all people as equals?  In my opinion, we should have years ago when the lines "all men are created equal" were written.
     And there is still Covid lurking around.  We've passed 100,000 deaths in the US.  I saw a cartoon (Dilbert) where one character says only 1 percent of the population will die from the disease.  Another character pointed out that based on the world's population that would be 77 million people.  Sobering comic.
     Two people I know are in the hospital for various reasons.
     Like I said, not a lot to be happy about.
     I did watch an episode from Highclere Castle today.  And they took my question and answered it.  They even said, "Terry from Rochelle Illinois wants to know...."
     Autographs will be available.
     I told Julia about my problems in ordering a book on Highclere and Julia said I should just go to the castle's gift shop.  So tonight I ordered the book I wanted.  It cost a little more than I would like....shipping from the UK is more than the book.
     It might have been the only bright spot in the day.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Is it still May?

     My birthday was 3 months ago, or May 11.  It seems that long of a month.
     We had a doctor's appointment in DeKalb for Jackie was a strange experience.
     I could not go in with her, so I had to wait in the car.  Luckily I brought an e-book, but I wish I had gone to a certain coffee shop for a brew while I was waiting.
     The 15 feet of rain we have had this month seems to agree with the zing roses, or dianthus, which ever you prefer.  I love these tufts of color.  I do deadhead them, but they never seem to have a second showing of color.
     I have not gotten back to the nature garden, so there is still a little area to mulch.  Hopefully I will get out there tomorrow, although I do have a bathroom and kitchen to clean too.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

The only fireworks I will see this year

The plants are huge!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

day.....beep, beep......... 71

I went to DeKalb 3 times today

     Well, technically I started out 3 times.
     I pulled out of the garage and was sitting at the corner when Jackie called.
     "Where's Corki?"  she asked.
     I said I did not know and she told me Corki was barking somewhere.
     Sure enough, I had let her out back an forgot to bring her in.
     That is not a big deal for most people, but Jackie can't get to the patio door and if she could, she would not be able to open it.
     So I brought the dog in and headed back to DeKalb.
     This time I got about 4   miles down the road and realized I forgot my sheet with the on line order.
     So I went back home and got that.
     Emily told me later that I did not need it, and I didn't.  So I could have avoided that start.
     Third time was the charm and I made it to DeKalb, picked up my first grocery on line order and headed for a quick stop at another store for 2 or 3 things.
     It looked like rain, so I wanted to be fast.  I left the windows cracked about one half inch and went into the store.
     While standing in the check out line, I started to hear rain hitting the roof of the store.  A lot of rain.  Heavy rain.  And it was blowing.  I began to worry that the car  interior would be wet.
     I paid, ran out to the car in a driving rainstorm and discovered I had rolled down one of the back windows all the way!
     Things were a little damp.  Tonight the car is in the garage with all the windows down, hopefully drying out.
     The upside is, I had an afternoon coffee! 
     Now I hope I can sleep.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

day........oh no.......70

I placed my first on line pick up grocery order

     My mind is sometimes in neutral.
     Since we were teachers, early on in our careers we were paid once a month.      So we always went shopping once a month for staples.  Produce and diary products we would buy as needed, but we always stocked up on paper goods, pop, crackers.....stable shelf type stuff.... once a month.
     I still do that.
     I usually go to a large store in Rockford because they have a better selection.       They may have 15 kinds of Paul Newman salad dressings while other stores may only have one or two.
     But with the pandemic, I have not gone for a while.  John and Emily have shopped for the essentials, but we have not stocked up.
     So I sat down and did an on line order...with pick up Wednesday.
      I double checked everything....and yes, I missed a couple of items I should have ordered, but I will do that on my next order.
     So.......what went wrong?
     Location.  Location.   Location.
     My order will be ready at 3 p.m. in DeKalb.
     I could not find a way to change the location once the order was placed, and I did not want to cancel the order and redo the whole thing.
     So tomorrow I will take a trip to DeKalb.....which is not so bad, really.  There is a Starbuck's there and I haven't been in a while.  Plus there is Ollie's. 
     But next time, I will be more aware of the store location button.
     Experience is learning.
     Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay safe.
Peace and Love.

A little more done today....hopefully I can finish by Friday.

Monday, May 25, 2020

day....giggle giggle giggle....69

If you're so damn smart, why aren't you rich?

     My Uncle Jim used to have that on a cartoonish sign in one of the summer cabins in Michigan.  We used to go there a lot until  I was about 16, then life got in the way.
     He also had a sign in the bathroom that said, "If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down."
     Neither sign has anything to do with my day.  At least directly.
     I went to my newly planted garden to begin mulching.
     My plan was to lay cardboard around the plants, then put an inch or so of mulch over the cardboard.
     I spent many hours in the garage cutting up boxes.  It was a great idea.
     Except, it doesn't work.
     The cardboard does not sit flat on the ground and sometimes I need a lot of mulch to cover it.  I may try again tomorrow, but it was a pain today.
     I ended up going with newspaper....until I ran out.  The newspaper conforms to the ground while the cardboard is like my hair....just seems to go wherever it wants.
     I did a little weeding before I put the mulch down.  Saw a weed that looked weird so I pulled it.  I noticed there were other weeds that looked the same.      These, however, were in the holes we had dug and planted Saturday.  Oops.  I found the discarded weed and replanted it, but I am not hopeful.
     The kids got me a mulch fork.  At first I was dubious, but it is a great tool.   I can easily move mulch, and it is a lot better than a shovel.
     I always seem to be picking up stuff in the yard.  Tags, labels, whatever.
I had a runny nose, and I took out my hankie and wiped my schnozzola a couple of times.  It felt funny.  And it stunk.  (No, not my nose...the hankie.  However, my nose does smell.)
    That's when I discovered I was using landscaping fiber I had picked up,, not a hankie.
     I don't have to worry about watering...seems we are getting rain enough for the month over the next few days.
     And I successfully placed my first on line grocery order for pick up Wednesday.  But that is a different story.
     Stay safe.  Stay masked.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

I'm innocent, I tell ya!  Oh, never's my mulch fork.  Oops
And sorry to the person I just called on the phone.....I don't know how I dialed your number at 10:30.   Double oops

Sunday, May 24, 2020

day.....toad ya.......68

Let's talk about animals

     Mostly the more than two legged kind.
     When I work in the yard I wear suspenders.  Why?  To hold my pants up!  (Sorry, that was an old joke:  Why do firemen wear red got the rest.)
     I can go all morning with a belt and I  am fine .  But for some reason, as the day goes on my pants have a tendency to slip.  A lot.  So to save my neighbors' eyesight and sweet dreams, I wear suspenders.
     Mowing today I almost ran over a frog.  A frog, not a toad.  This frog is living in my culvert.  He's big and green, with bulgy eyes.  Looks like a frog.
     We have toads in the yard.  I found two while mowing, and caught one for a picture.
     Tonight I found one on the porch.  I am glad I found it and not Corki. 
     I like the toads and frogs because they eat bugs.
Yesterday I got my binoculars out to check on a large bird circling overhead.  Turned out to have a white head and brown body, which puts it in the eagle class for me.
     When I mow there are swifts that fly darn close to my head.  They catch the moths and insects that the mower scares up.  It's really neat to see them pick a moth right out of the air.  Sometimes I think they are going to fly right into my face, but they never do.
     I was cleaning out stuff from the garage and found a pile of bird seed in my fountain basin.  Now, the only way it could have gotten there was if a little mouse carried it to the yard cart, and into the basin.   I also found sunflower seed shells in a box, so I suspect strongly I have a mouse in the garage.  Or maybe more.
     I took some stuff of a shelf and turned.
     Something hit me in the right side of back!  I spun around and it hit me in the back again, this time on the left side.  I did a quick jump to get it off but it hit me again.
     So I swatted at it.
     It was a suspender strap that came off my pants.  It was flopping around like a politician on steroids.
     Boy, was I embarrassed.  I was just glad no one was watching.  And I was glad my pants didn't fall down.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 23, 2020


I am really sore tonight

     But I am not as sore as I could have been!  Sheri and Camryn came over to help me plant my prairie garden.
     I honestly thought I had it planned out fairly well.
     Had the plot divided into one foot squares.  Had a grid sheet of paper with a number corresponding to a plant.  Had a plant list, with a number that matched the grid. 
     Find the plant, match it to the number, put it in a hole.
     Of course, you have to dig the holes first.  Thanks Dan and Linda for the bulb diggers..the one tehat went on my drill was great!
     In hindsight, I should have started with the grasses, not ended with them.  They should have been 1 and 2, not 26 and 27.  And the really tall plants should have been three and four.  And I should have numbered the plants in order.  As it was, 1 was on page 4, 2 on page get the idea.  It was confusing.
The rock and log took up more space than I thought, throwing everything off.
     And when Camryn and I started digging holes, I at first said put the hole in the center of the square.  Then I realized there would be straight lines.  So after about six holes each, I told her to put them in the square, just not in the center all the time.
     We were doing pretty well until the thunder started rumbling.  We got most of the plants in just about the time it started to rain.  So we packed up everything and put it away while we sought shelter.
     I even changed out of my dirty pants and put on a clean shirt.
     Then the sun came out.  It was out for the next three hours.
     I just didn't have the energy to change and haul everything out again.
     So, tomorrow I hopefully will finish the planting part.  There's only about 10 plants left, so it should go quickly. 
     Then I will mulch it.
     It got a lot of rain, so I don't think I will have to water for a while.
     Hopefully in a year or so there will be a beautiful natural garden that attracts bees, butterflies and my eye.
     Thanks again Sheri and Camryn!  I could not have done it without you.
     And I realize now, looking at the pictures, it's easy to forget about masks!
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

One plant per square foot....or a Bessie Bingo plot

The problem with using the grid was the 90 mph wind plus the log and rock were a little bigger than I thought, that threw me off a couple of spaces.

I know it doesn't look like much....but it will be beautiful
This saves a lot of walking and time

Friday, May 22, 2020


I hit the big time today!

     In fact, this week has been pretty great.  On Monday part of our Cubs tickets was refunded.  ( will be getting a check soon!)  Not all of the games were refunded yet, just the ones already missed, I think.  I don't believe there was any explanation either...just a refund.
     Today the refund for the cancelled London flight came through.  It appears we received the full amount, but again, I have to go check.  I just saw that e-mail a little while ago.
     And we got our stimulus check!
     So life has been pretty good this week.....maybe I should buy a lottery ticket or two because my luck seems to be good right now.
     I even got to watch the live from Highclere feed today.  My Friday afternoon now has me at the computer at 1 Chicago Time to learn a little bit about Highclere Castle, which is where Downton Abbey was filmed.  For some reason, I really want to go there.  Really, really want to go there.
      Today's topic weas afternoon tea.  I learned.....put the wter in the pot then add the tea leaves, add milk after tea is poured, and  scones can be made with our without raisins, depending on the village.
     Viewers can send in questions during the live feed, and some of them get answered.  I always want to ask about the money ..... how you maintain an estate that size, how you pay for heating, electricity, where the money comes from and where it came from in the first place.
     But I also realize that is impolite.
     After all, maybe they had a lucky week or two and parlayed it into a vast fortune.
    We won't do that.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 21, 2020


I actually slept last night

     Not long enough, but more than the previous several nights.
     I listened to Coyote Oldman again, and I fell asleep.  I woke up at 3, but went back to sleep after a little while and some more Coyote music.  Jackie needed some help at 7, but we went back to bed and slept until 10.
     It felt great!
     Today I spent the afternoon planting our veggie garden and my body is a little sore.  Even got to chat with Dan and Linda, with masks and a safe distance, for a few minutes.
     So, it was a pretty good day.
     I also did a daring thing.
     I took Corki's shock collar off and brought her to the back of the yard with me.  We rode out in the golf cart and she actually stayed with me!  I was a little nervous she would run off after a ground squirrel, but she didn't.
     Wildlife abounds...... neighbor had a fox on her deck, a deer ran through the middle of our yard at about 3 today, and I saw a huge bird swooping through the trees in the park around 7.  I think it was an owl.
     Hope it wasn't sizing Corki up as a meal!
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

day...zzzzzzzzzz...... 64

Maybe tonight I will get lucky

     I'm talking the big S word, that has been sorely lacking in my life.
     I am talking about sleep.....shame on you who were thinking something else.
     Last night I went to bed late.  I think it was 11:30.  At 2 I was reading in bed because I could not get to sleep.
     Sometime around 3 Jackie had to use the bathroom, and I think I was asleep but I am not sure.  I did not hear the cuckoo after 2, so maybe I was asleep.
     After that, I laid in bed until about 5, when I finally fell asleep.
     I tried Coyote Oldman on the cd player, and it helped, but it did not put me out.  By the way, he is a Native American flute artist and his music is highly evocative and calming.   Except when I want to go to sleep.
     So today, no nap.  No caffeine, except what was in the chocolate I ate.  I did a lot of work outside, so I am physically tired in addition to mentally tired.
     How bad can it be?
     We had a spaghetti/chicken supper tonight.  I filled a pan with water, got the spaghetti out, turned on the burner, set the timer, and went off to fold towels.  When the timer went off, meaning the meat and veggies and spaghetti were all done at the same time for a change, I discovered I never put the spaghetti in the water.  And the water was almost gone from the pan.
     I better sleep tonight.
     What's weird is I have the strangest dreams but I don't know if I am awake or asleep.  For instance, I went into a restaurant and no one was wearing a mask but I sat at a table and took off my shirt, shoes, socks and started cleaning out toe jam.  When someone complained, I said I had seen the owner on tv talking about person freedom meaning he doesn't have to wear a mask, so my personal freedom means I don't have to wear a shirt or shoes and socks. 
     They are all just lucky I kept my pants on.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


I started the planting process today

     I think 25 down, about 150 to go.   I am sure it will be worth it.  (Sarcasm?)
     Yesterday we had a big surprise.
     I was walking Corki and we were half way down the block when I saw kids sitting in lawn chairs in their driveway.  They had signs.  I said, "You look like you are waiting for a parade."
     And they were. Tilton teachers were scheduled to parade down the street any minute.
     I raced (ok, I'm 72.  I don't race anywhere except the bathroom, refrigerator and the drawer with the corkscrew in it) back to the house, ran in, got Jackie in the wheelchair and wheeled her out front into the driveway.
     We got there just as the squad car, with siren blasting, turned down our street.
     We waved at teachers and other staff as the cars went passed, some of them decorated with balloons and signs.
     We even recognized some of the teachers.....but there were a lot of "new" faces.  We have been gone 12 years for me, 13 for Jackie.
     It was nice for the teachers to say good bye to their students.
     I can't believe I did not write about that last night!
     Anyway, here's what I did today.
     Stay healthy, stay home , stay safe.
Peace and Love

These are citronella  plants and lemongrass....supposed to repel mosquitoes.  I tried overwintering them in the basement, will be interesting to see how many come back.  I did replant one grass.


Our vertical herb garden.  I accidentally bought chervil instead of parsley.  Chervil?  Seriously. I will plant that in another container....and maybe some parsley.

Monday, May 18, 2020


I have some planting to do

     I have this great idea of a native flower garden in the back of the yard.  So I bought some plugs.  We have a vegetable garden, so I bought some tomato plants.  I have several planters, so I bought flowers.
     I must have 200 to plant!
     What was I thinking?
     I will approach this logically.
     Garden first.  That means I will go out tomorrow, fill the bird feeder, plant some peas, stop for lunch, have a coffee, and run out of daylight. 
     I will get distracted.
     But by Sunday, it will all be planted.  Hopefully.
     Meanwhile, I got bored putting Jackie's lunch together.

Groucho Marx

movie star

bird of paradise

Hey doc...somethings wrong with my eye
My picture from Tuscany...finally framed

Waters running off a farm field left these corn stalks piled up

Sunday, May 17, 2020

day......): ..... 61

Today was a much better day

     Yesterday was a pretty dark day for us.  Jackie has an infection and we went to immediate care for a consult.  NP was veery nice and helpful, prescribing an antibiotic and recommending some OTC drug to help out my wife.
     She took a dose of the antibiotic at about 2....and sometime around 8 she became so weak, she could not stand.  I could not get her out of her seat.  I ended up calling Emily, who came to the rescue and stayed for over an hour, making sure Jackie could get up and down and in bed.
     I don't know why she was weak...maybe the constant exertion of getting up and down, maybe because that we did not eat any food because we were so exhausted and nothing seemed to sound edible, maybe it was the infection running its course.
     Whatever, today was a much better day.  She is more mobile, can get up and down with my help, and is feeling better.
     I have said it before and I will say it again.  MS sucks.  It is a debilitating disease that robs a person of their dignity, freedom, mobility. 
     Usually in May I take part in an MS fund raising event.  Because or Covid there was no walk or ride.  There was a virtual walk, but I never registered my "team" for the event.
     So.....I encourage you to make a donation to MS Society of Illinois.  I know some day there will be a cure.  Money is the root of finding that cure.
     End of message.
     Hope you stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, stay masked........
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 16, 2020


There's always a better day ahead

I hope so, because today was a crapola day.
Jackie has another UTI and we spent a couple of hours in urgent care.
But the big problem is....she has no strength.  So Emily had to come over to help get her up out of a  chair and into bed, among other tasks.
This was not a good day.
Thank you Emily for all your help.
Please send a prayer Jackie's way.  And mine.  Right now we need them.
Peace and Love

Friday, May 15, 2020

day ...... sigh.......60

Ever have one of those days?

     Don't get me wrong....I got a lot done.  Hung my two pictures, took Corki for a walk, mowed the lawn, cooked burgers on the grill.....  It was a good day.
     One of my Friday highlights is my trip to Highclere Castle.  For those of you who did not watch Downton Abbey, Highclere is the actual place where the series was filmed.
     Set in the middle of 1,000 acres, the house has somewhere between 350-400 rooms and 50 bedrooms.  It is beautiful.
     Each Friday at 1 Illinois time the Lady of the house does a 30 or so minute show from Highclere.  Usually she starts outside and then moves inside for the live portion .  People can send in questions.  The bonus is you get to see the inside of the house.
     I had hoped to visit there this summer, but that won't happen.  It actually would not have happened during my trip because the house is not open for tours until July and we would have been home by then.
     Today she was drinking a tea in the house and a viewer asked about the tea.  Of course, they sell a Highclere blend  in the gift shop, but she really likes Earl Gray at about 4:30 in the afternoon.
     I love Earl Gray.  The hint of bergamot makes me relaxed and happy.  I have something in common with Lady Carnarvon, which is kind of funny.  Well, to me.
     So I watched, drinking a coffee from Cypress House, and dreaming of the day I get to visit Highclere.  I was quite satisfied with life.
     Anyway, one of those days.  I was mowing and all of a sudden I got mad.  Mad at people and their 4 wheelers, mad at people not wearing masks, mad at people making this virus a political issue, mad at people toting military type weapons openly, mad at politicians who have failed this country so miserably, mad at people who don't trust science, mad at the lawn care company for all my dandelions, mad at being confined, mad at the damn ground squirrels, mad at the dirt in my front yard, mad at just about everybody and everything in the universe and beyond.  Mad to the point of tears.
     Can't explain it.
     After supper, I was back to being happy.  Go figure.
     I should have had some wine.  Or Earl Gray.
     Stay home.  Stay safe.  Stay Nelly.
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 14, 2020


I hate stormy nights

     It was a dark and stormy night.......thank you Snoopy.
     We have a weather radio and it has been going off a lot tonight...warnings, watches, advisories.....I don't want to turn it off or mute it, because that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?  Like asking scientists to study a problem and then ignoring their suggested actions to solve the problem.
     But I digress.
     It's also garbage night.  I have not taken mine out yet and probably won't for a while because the rain is pounding down.  Pounding. 
     And strong winds are expected at some point....I just don't want my trash blowing down the street.
     I finally got around to hanging my newly framed pictures....only to discover I had no picture hangers.  So tomorrow, a trip to the hardware store to get hangers. I need something else, but can't seem to remember what. Maybe it will come to me in the middle of the night.
     Or not.
     BTW...hanging pictures was on Tuesday's list.
    I also can't find my stud finder.  That is a frustration, because of who I am.
I never put stuff away in the proper spot.  My stud finder could be in any of 50 places I put stuff, but the place it should be ....with the other is not.  That is a character flaw I wish I could change.
     Another one is biting the dead skin around my nails.....I am gnawing away at a little chunk that is driving me batty.
     I had three things to do today:  fill my weekly pill box, hang pictures, clean our bedroom and bathroom.  My goal was to start cleaning at 2.....but then I put it off to 3, then 3:30 when I finished my coffee.  I started the 45 minute task at 3:40 and finished about 5.  Anybody see anything wrong with that?
     Got it.....dead skin gone. 
     And so am I.
     Stay Safe.  Stay Healthy.  Stay Home.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

day .... it's Blursday.....58

So much to tell about today

     I bought flowers for my planters.  And tomato plants for the garden.  Now I just have to figure out when it is safe to plant them.
     I hate it when they say "Plant after the last frost."  Who the hell knows when the last frost will be? You'd have to be a weather psychic to tell me when the last frost is.  I know, Farmers' Almanac will give an approximate date, or the average last date.  But.....
     I just know Mother's Day was the suggested planting time in my younger years. (Judy, I did read the article on Mother's vs Mothers'.....very informative.  I always  thought Hallmark invented it right after they thought about Christmas movies.  They just didn't have the technology then.  Christmas stereoscope slides?  Christmas magic lantern shows?  Just didn't work.)
     I think I will plant this weekend...if the long range forecast doesn't predict snow, frost, hail, lightning, freezing rain or anything like that.
     The first place I went into, I went for tomato plants.  I bought some bird seed, herbs, and walked out without tomato plants.  I had to go back in, but did not like the plants, so I went to a second place.  I could not find them there and had to ask.  (Yes, men sometimes ask for directions.)  I had walked right past 6 tables of tomato plants.  6.
     I missed a meeting because I could not remember what day it was.  I tried to take out recycles last night, because I forgot what day it was.  There is a new word for that:  Blursday.  Seriously.  Covid 19 (another new word) has spawned Blursday for when people confined in home don't remember what day it is.
     See.....I am entertaining and informative.
     I did learn an important lesson today.  Behind the ear masks don't work well with hearing aids.  Every time I took the mask on or off my hearing aids fell out!
    Stay Healthy,  Stay Safe.  Stay Home.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


I guess I won't have to freeze cake afterall

     Life is full of problems.
     What to do with a large chocolate cake?  Eat it, just like Weird Al sang to a Michael Jackson tune.  I have a feeling it will not go won't be around long enough!
     Good news and bad news on our England trip.  Was notified today that the airline had candelled, so we get a full refund.  The fees for booking were refunded, but not.  I lost my credit card two weeks ago.  Got a new one.  New number.  My tickets were bought on the old card.  They could not process a refund because the card account no longer exists.  Back to the phones.
     I ordered a book from an Amazon marketplace seller.  Book was clearly marked hardcover.  It came in paper back.  I clicked on the "something wrong with the purchase" button on the survey and asked for a return and credit.  I was told my purchase would be refunded and I did not have to return the book.  Now I feel guilty.  Still want the hardcover.
     A friend came over tonight and we had wine (and cake) and visited at a safe distance .  It was a great experience.  Can't wait to do it again.
     Pretty run of the mill day.
     Hope you are all staying safe, staying healthy, and staying home.
Peace and Love

Monday, May 11, 2020

day ...... 72? How?.....56

Today was a special day for me

     I turned 72.
     Just to clarify, 70 is not the new 50 or 60.  70 is 70.
     I ache when I bend over.  I hurt when I get up.  My knees feel like crap and my hips keep telling me to never walk again.
     But at least I am not seeing the roots of the grass.
     Here we are, in the middle of a pandemic where people keep their distances, wear masks, don't go out and in my case, fear death. did I celebrate?
     I woke up.  That's always a good sign for how your day is going.
     Skyped with Julia for a while, then MK and S rang the bell and gave me a birthday card.  They came in, wearing masks, and we talked for a few minutes before Julia left, and our friends left. 
     Facetimed with Bob and Anita in Florida. Learned about lovebugs....and can't imagine having to scrape your windshield because of dead bugs.
    Talked with SIL Judy for a while.
     Then I headed out.  Why?  Because I LOVE FREE STUFF!
     Starbuck's gave me a free coffee for my birthday.  That may explain why it is a little after 11:30 and I feel like cleaning the bathrooms and running a mile.
     Portillo's gave me a free piece of chocolate cake for my birthday.  And yes, I bought a whole cake and 3 in the afternoon.
      Picked up my framed pictures.
     Took Corki on a long walk through the grasslands.
     Emily and John came over and we had cake and ice cream.
     Talked with friend Sheri and made plans for someday.
     Then I read birthday greetings on Facebook and was touched by so many people remembering me.  I keep thinking of Clarence......"No man is a failure who has friends."
     I am blessed in so many ways, by family, long distance relatives, friends, my health, my life.  I have been able to travel, read great books, watch great movies, and spend time with a lot of fun people.
     There's always a what if in life. I don't think I'd change much in mine.  Except, I would find a cure for MS......and Covid 19. 
     Thanks for being there to read this bit of trivia, to include me in your lives, and for being my friend.
     Stay Safe,  Stay Healthy.  Stay Home.
Peace and Love.

Julia took this from her house this week.

Jackie's grandfather served at Camp Grant in Rockford in WW I, the Great War.  Danny Williams restored the photo and I picked up the framed print today.  Gramps is under the arrow by her left hand.  Coincidently, my father was in training at Camp Grant when the war ended.  

Thanks, Julia for the candy.  Better than a Crunch bar!

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Always read and follow label directions

     As a teacher, I would get on kids about reading directions and following directions.
     It's important.  If the form says "print," then you need to print.  If the form says "check one box", then check one.  Simple.
     So why did I throw out the pudding I made?
     I have made pudding for years.  Put the pudding in a bowl, add two cups of milk, stir and cool. If it is cook and serve, you heat the pudding/milk mix until it boils, then put it into the fridge.
     So two nights ago I took two cups of milk, started heating it, put the lemon pudding and pie filling mix in the pan, brought it to a boil while stirring, then put it in the fridge.
     Hours later, served some to Jackie and me and it was terrible.  Rubbery.  Stiff.  Solid.  Gelatinous.  Not like pudding at all.
     Today when taking out the recycling, I found the box. 
     Curious, I wondered if the mix was outdated.  It was not.
     Then I read the directions:  Put mix into bowl, and one egg and one quarter cup sugar. Add one cup water, bring to boil, add one more cup water.......
     Nothing about milk.  Nothing. 
     It tasted funny because I did not follow the directions. 
     Actually, funny might not be the best term.  Jackie had a little and did not like it, I had some and tossed the rest.
     Lesson learned.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay masked.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 9, 2020 way.......54

The scammers are out in full force

     Holy crap, be careful on line!
     Not only do we have to wear masks in public, we have to be careful about people wearing masks on line!
     I mean scammers.  Thieves.  Crooks.   They succeed because we are not careful.
     Some examples:
     I got another notice from Apple that my account was hacked and I should click on the link to update my information.  It looked very official.  It was not from Apple.  I forwarded it to the Apple people. 
     Some people have reported getting text messages saying they have been exposed to the Covid 19 virus and to click on a link.  Don't do it!
     And today I was notified my Pay PaI account would be closed in 12 hours  if I didn't verify account information on a special link.  Pay PaI?  I suppose an I looks like an l in some cultures.  Just not ours.  Plus they had a couple of words misspelled and their verbs were not in agreement with subjects.
     It begs the question, why?  Why do this?
     Because people fall for it.  People send them money.  People offer their most vital bank information.
     We should be able to find these cretins and boil them in oil, tar and feather them, force them to watch The other words, make them suffer.
     That's my rant for the night.
     Be safe, on line and out side.  Stay healthy.  Wear a mask. Stay home.
     Peace and Love

PS....mystery solved!  Friend Kathy sent the Cubs masks!! When I do go out, I be stylin'!

Friday, May 8, 2020


I can't believe this.....

     I just put away our heavier coats.  And sweatshirts. 
     We just hung out Mother's Day baskets from Julia and Emily and John.  (By the way, I always get confused.  Mother's Day, as in singular; or Mothers' Day as in plural.  I always have to look to see what the papers are doing but tonight I don't give a hoot.)
     We have a freeze warning for tonight.  Warning.  That means it is going to be colder than a witch's nose tonight.  (When I was younger and a bit uncouth, I would use another part of a witch's anatomy.  I am more mature now.)
     So the plants are in the garage, where they will be warmer.  (And yes, I have been watering them.  I also had to put spikes in them to keep out the birds.)
     My plea to Mother Nature...all I am saying, is give peas a chance.  My peas are about an inch high.  I hope they don't get ruined.
     Things that happened today that are totally unrelated:
     Picked up some masks that Sara S. made for us.  Thank you.
     Got a coffee and a big jar of honey.
     Received a package in the mail with two Chicago Cubs facemasks.....I am thinking Emily?  Julia?  That 19 year old extremely beautiful girl who smiled at me three weeks ago?
     Got hamburgers tonight as a take out.  Ok, a minor complaint.  Won't name the place.  Ordered two burgers and fries.  Picked them up and .... well, there was nothing special about them.  No lettuce.  No tomato.  And the fries were just ok.  In the past we have eaten there and the burgers have been awesome.  Maybe it's an off night....or........???
     Went to the BP station on the south side of town, because I get 10 cents a gallon off the gas when I use my BP Visa card.  It's not a BP anymore.  No discount.  Not only that, they will no longer be taking my BP Visa card.   They don't have a new flag yet, but the BP signs are all covered or removed.
     For the past two nights I  have made a S'more of sorts with graham crackers and a special chocolate candy bar Julia bought in Amsterdam.  Got a really neat flower in the front........
     Tired tonight.  Tom Skilling woke me up at 5:45 a.m., telling me there was a frost advisory for my area.  Jackie has to learn how to put weather bulletins on mute at night.
     Stay home.  Stay Safe.  Stay Healthy
Peace and Love

Thursday, May 7, 2020


I went to a store today

     Corki had a vet appointment today, so I was in DeKalb.  I went to a grocery store.
     I wore my mask, wiped down my cart, picked up the 4 items and came right out.
     Now I am worried I came in contact with something.
     I sanitized my hands back in the car, washed them when I got home, wiped down the four items, wiped down the steering wheel and door handle, and I wonder if that was enough.
     Time will tell.
     My good news for the day was Julia booked her flight home for Christmas.  I was worried that would not happen this  year.
     When I go someplace, Jackie is left alone.  Usually this is no problem, but during the 2 hours I was gone:  the guy called to tell us he was bringing the golf cart; guy called  to say my pictures were ready to be picked up in DeKalb; lady from the NIU foundation called about my new credit card....more calls than we have had in two days!
     The only disappointment for the day was I went to get a Starbucks and there were at least 15 cars in the drive thru I skipped it.
     Tomorrow I will hit the local favorite for my weekly coffee.
     Corki is doing well, by the way....just a yearly check up and vaccinations.  I stayed outside in the parking lot while a tech came and got her.  The doctor (who looks like Ed Begley Jr) called me and talked to me about the exam.
     That was my day.  And aside from going the wrong day down the  one way aisles, I think I did ok.
     And Echoes just played a tune by Moby.  I featured him in my blog (46) on wayward book titles when I mention his recipe book for a famous English dessert:  Moby's Spotted Dick.
     I also had 2 day 48 entries.
     I am so sorry.  On both counts.
     Stay safe.  Stay home.  Stay healthy.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

day .... OMG what have I done? .....50!

The die is cast....I have crossed the Rubicon

     We moved into this house almost 8 years ago.
     I have planted trees and flowers.  I think the landscaping looks ok, but it always seemed to be lacking something.
     Many years I thought of a prairie plot in the back yard.  I had pictures of it in my mind, a 20 x 40 foot space filled with Illinois native plants.  It would be a home to birds, butterflies, bees and whatever else wandered into it.
     The time has come.
     Yes, I may be 72 and almost a full time caretaker.  Yes, I have a lot to do in life without adding another garden.
     Yes, I am crazy.
     I had a friend come over with a rotto tiller and dig up the space.  Today I ordered plants and picked out a huge rock as a center piece.
     My one's only 6 x 20, about one fourth of what I wanted it to be.
     Plants are expensive is my main reason.  I also want to see how well I can manage it.
     My plan all winter was to get the plants and invite suckers, I mean friends, over to have some doughnuts and coffee and help plant about 100 little delights.  Then we would mulch it and have pizza and wine, pop or beer.
      Covid has changed my plans.
     I won't invite people over.  I will have doughnuts, but only for me.  I will have pizza, but will move the mulch by myself, quietly cursing Covid.  (Like the alliteration?  You are welcome!)
     But when the plot turns beautiful next year, I will have people over to look, comment, and maybe plant some more.
     I just never learn.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home
Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

day ...... WTH......49

Sometimes I am too critical

     I know!  Who knew??
     We watch a lot of tv.  If you watch an episode a week, sometimes things slide.
But if you watch multiple episodes in a row, then you notice things.
     Friends, for instance.  The never talk about cars, unless it's early and Rachel is considering a Mercedes, but they talk about driving places.  Ross had a car in one episode, but never mentions it again.  And they live on the fifth floor.  Did you know there was an elevator?  We never see it, they never refer to it, but in one episode they met a Yeti like man in the basement.  He asks Rachel to coffee and says he'll meet her at the elevator in 10 minutes.
     We watched two episodes of The Neighborhood Monday.  In the first, one of the characters wanted a speed bump because of all the traffic.  In the next episode, which was a follow up, no speed bump.  No traffic.
     Big Bang is another one.  One episode they put in a high tech door lock, but you never see it again. They install a high tech security system, but never mention it except for the one episode.  And the exit lights on the floor?  We never see them again after one episode.  They live in an apartment building but in all the years of the series I think I have only seen two neighbors.......just weird.
     Frasier?  They always show one elevator, but one character leaves and almost immediately another one enters without seeing the first!  How can that be?  And how long do commercial breaks last on a radio show?  While I'm at it, who shows up at 2 minutes to air time to do a 2 hour show?  Tv people, that's who.
     I know they are just tv shows...but for some reason it bugs the hell out of me.
I think I am getting boreder.
     BTW....last night I went to bed at 11:15 or so, turned off the tv, and put on WNIJ and it's Echos program of ambient music.  I was asleep by 11:40.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Monday, May 4, 2020

day OMG 48

Are we having fun yet?

     I went to bed about midnight last night.  I was tired.  I figured sleep would come easy.
     I watched Friends until 12:30.  Then Mom.  Then Mom. Then Mom.
     Sometime during George Lopez, I fell asleep.  His show starts at 3.
     I am a bit tired tonight.
     I cleaned our bedroom and bathroom, a task that would take 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how fast I work and how focused I can stay.
     I started and told Jackie I would make her lunch when I was done, which should be about 1 or 1:15.
     She pointed out it was already 1.
     So I made her lunch.
     Then I started, knowing I would be done by 2 or so.
     At 3 I had to take a lunch break.  I was hungry.  And dragging.  And still had the floor to do.
     I finished about 4 or so.
     At some point I asked her about dinner and a prayer was answered.
     Renee and Wendy had lasagna last night and had leftovers!  They asked if we were interested in leftover lasagna.  I said for sure.
     The brought it out and we chatted for a while, maintaing a safe distance.  I did not invite them in, which just seemed weird and awkward, They stayed on the porch and we stayed inside and just talked through the open door.
    It was great!  Distanced fellowhip, followed by a great supper, and I didn't have many dishes to do!
    And Emily figured out the secret code to keep the Russians on their toes.     When I want Yoplait yogurt, I seem to type  Poplyn yogurt.  Not sure why, but I bet there is some guy named Boris researching Poplyn yogurt tonight.  (Probably one of my Ukraine readers too!)
     I need to go to sleep.  I think I am starting to hallucinate.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Sunday, May 3, 2020

day 48 of forever

I love learning new things

     That's as opposed to learning old things which is stuff I may have forgotten over the years.
     Anyway, new thing I learned:  Today was a lovely day, temps in the 70s, sunny, quite nice.
     We gave Corki a bath.  I worked in the garden.  We Skyped with Julia.  All in all, a nice day.
     So, what did I learn?
     Weather-wise, a pneumonia front is moving in tonight.  Tom Skilling described it as a cold front with strong winds from the north, driving down temperatures and providing us with cold, dry air which is a ripe situation for people to develop pneumonia.
     Great.  Covid and now pneumonia.
     And I was just outside.  It is cold.  It is windy. I have a cough.
     Digression.....why do we have words with silent letters at the start?  Can you imagine some guy working at Webster's dictionaries in the 1820s saying, "Hey, let's screw up future generations by creating words that don't follow any spelling rules.  Let's start with pneumonia, add phonics, and top it off with pterodactyl."
Sick bastard.
     What else did I learn?
     Strawberries don't like me.  I have planted four strawberry plants every year for the past three years.  I have gotten 5 total strawberries.  This year none of the plants came back, so I am going with carrots ane tomatoes in that space.
     What else did I learn?
     There is a new strain of murderous wasps or hornets being detected in the world.  They kill honeybees and their venemous sting can kill humans if the person suffers enough stings.
     Finally, deer are pretty picky eaters.
     I have lots of hostas.  Some of them are getting big leaves.  Some of them have been chewed to the ground.  What's weird, the ones chewed to the ground are next to hostas untouched.  I truly wondeer why.  (Notice the pun in wondeer.....pretty darn clever  for 11:30 at night, huh.  I would go to bed earlier, but I can't sleep, which makes for a tormented night.)
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 2, 2020

day 47...but who's counting?

I think I am going to bed early

     I sat down at the computer at 8 tonight and at some point I fell asleep.  Sitting up.  At the computer.
     I guess it was a long day...worked in the yard, got my new garden tilled, took Corki for a walk, ribs for supper.
     I could clarify and say I watched as someone tilled my new garden.  I did get ribs for supper, but all I did was get in the car and drive to get them.  I heated them up later, though.
     I did have a couple of glasses of wine.  Ok....drinking alone is not wise, so this virus bs better be over soon otherwise all the wine will be gone.
     Just some photos from the past couple of days to share tonight.

Jackie thinks it is time to get rid of this new condition.  Great for quilters!  Let me know if you are interested.

We got 2 May Day baskets!  Our favorite Samatha in the whole world delivered cookies and a card yesterday and our neighbors from down the street dropped off a May Day basket too!  We were deeply touched.

My last picture of these for the the orange middles.

     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love

Friday, May 1, 2020

day 46

I started a new book today

Reading one.  Not writing one.  I have written two, but have never attempted to get them published.  Actually, one I am perpetually revising.....maybe I should just finish it.  The other one I sent to a publisher but I received an empty envelope from them, my thinking was it was so bad they could not even reject it.
I take inspiration from many of the great writers.
Today I wondered what would happen to  titles similar to well known books.   Would they, too,  become classics?
Consider these:

     Warren's Peas.....the totally boring story of a British gardener and his war with aphids in his pea patch.  Not thrilling  to the last pod!
     The Grapes of Ross.....follow the adventures as Ross, a transplanted New Yorker, moves to the country side and starts a vineyard.  Will he and his third  wife Rachel find happiness and finally "merlot" out?
     The Great Fatsby.....a real life biography of David Navarro, who at one point early in the 1900s was the world's fattest human.
     Old Man and the C....this classic coming of age comedy pits a struggling college student against his overbearing father.  When Terry comes home with another C on a simple college course, Dad takes an unexpected walk on the wild side.
      Romeo and Jesuit.....a heartbreaking story of a star crossed lover who goes to a priest for guidance, only to fall into a forbidden love affair.
     Moby's Spotted Dick.....a collection of recipes of this classic British dessert pudding made of suet and currants is put together by this well known rock star.
     All Quiet on the Western Font.....a definitive history of fonts used in American westerns novels, from Zane Gray to Tony Hillerman.
     Don Coyote......following his abandonment in the woods by illegal immigrant parents, young Donnie is raised by coyotes and lives his entire life thinking he is Wiley, but he is not.
    The Hunchback  Has Not a Name....despite being the church bell ringer for 40 years, no one knew the name of this deformed, deaf and partially blind man.  Born without arms, he would smack the bells with his face. During a terrible storm, he slipped and fell 200 feet to the ground.  People gathered round the body.  One person asked what his name was. Nobody knew his name but they thought his face rang a bell.

     Feel free to add your classics.  I would look forward to reading them.
     By the way...there is a sequel to the Hunchback of Not a Name

     Fallen Angel......He had a twin brother who took over for his dead brother.  Unfortunately he also fell to the ground.  Once again the crowd gathered round and someone asked his name.  Nobody knew it, but they said he was a dead ringer for the first guy.
     That's all folks.
     Stat safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay home.
Peace and Love