Sunday, March 1, 2020

who are you?

I graduated high school

     I really did.  Lake View High School.  I was in the upper half of my class, number 352 out of 710.  Upper half.
     But...I also graduated from Mt. Prospect High School and Lyons Township, or so you might believe. I am members of their alumni groups.
     I joined intentionally.  I wanted to find our buddy Little Lynn, who went to Lyons Township, so I joined that group.  I also joined Mt. Prospect to look for one of Jackie's friends who was at our wedding 50 years ago.
     I did not find either person.
     But a funny thing has happened.
     At least 5 people from the Mt. Prospect graduating class of 1967 remembered me!  At least that is according to the e mails I get that another person is checking my profile, which is blank, and remembering me from school.
     One person even recognized me from my nonexistent picture.
     I'm sure it's just an advertising gimmick to get me to sign up for some paid service, which I am not going to do.
     I figure if someone wants to contact me, they will do what everybody else in the world does......check Facebook.
     It's not like I have a last name that is easily forgotten.........
Peace and Love

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