Saturday, March 21, 2020

day 6

Living and learning in 2020

     I learned something about bleach.
     First thing I learned:  The splash-less bleach is not the same as regular bleach.  I don't know why.  But the splash-less bleach, and the scented bleaches, are not sanitizers.  They are whiteners and cleaners.  I you want to sanitize, use the regular.  I did not know that.
     And I use the wipes in the house.  I wipe a counter, then wipe it with a paper towel or old towel to dry it.  Mistake.  The bleach liquid needs to air dry, or stay on the surface something like four minutes to kill germs.  I did not know that either.
     Something else I learned:  Gas pump handles are easily contaminated.  Think about it.  You cough, grab the pump and start pumping.  It is recommended by some people to carry plastic gloves and after you are dune pumping, toss the gloves.  I wish there was a drawer or box to store gloves in a car.
There....PSAs from me to you.
Some pictures from my day.
My set up for working on my puzzle....with Beatles and tea

Progress for one day

Are these mosquitoes on my screen?

     Corki had a bad day.  She fell off the bed about 3 this morning.  Then I let her out into the back yard ...... and forgot to let her back in.  She was out there about 30 minutes before she started barking.  To make matters worst, I forgot she was out there a second time!  This was close to an hour...I ate lunch, read the paper, and when Jackie asked where she was, I remembered!  
     Corki got an extra treat today.
Peace and Love

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