Saturday, March 14, 2020


I finally fell asleep early last night

     I did not hear the cuckoo hit 12...deep sleep.  Peaceful sleep.  Restful sleep.  REM mode.
     For a full 45 minutes. 
     Corki had to go out.  She never goes out at night.  Never.  It's as if she knew I was asleep early for the first time since the time change and decided to take revenge on my not giving her more treats.
     But, I fell asleep shortly after that.  Deep sleep.  Peaceful sleep.  Restful sleep.  REM mode.
     Until 2:30 when Jackie woke me up to tell me Corki was gagging and choking.
     But Corki was sound asleep in her bed.  No gagging.  No choking. SHE was in deep sleep.  Peaceful sleep. know the rest.
     I did get back to sleep, but prostate told me at about 4 that any idea of sleeping more that two hours was expressly forbidden by the have to pee gods of the underwear world.
     I did eventually fall back asleep again, which explains why at 9:45 Jackie woke me up to tell me she was taking her shower.
     On paper I was in bed for 11 hours.  But I don't know how much sleep I actually got.
     Going to try it again tonight.  Corki just went out, I have cut down on liquids, and it isn't quite 10:30......I might have a chance.
Peace and Love and Sweet Dreams

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